Lol i got lazy to post another Road to devil may cry blog,so here it is!
Boss #7 - Dante
yeahhh...i was so hyped up when i fought Dante. I really wanted to fight a boss who looked human. But yeah don't let your guard down. This Boss version of Dante is your toughest boss fight yet? Yes it is for me. because i'm usually really aggressive when im hyped up. And that costed alot of my hp. This dante always responds with attacks and remember! Whatever you do to Dante while he's getting of the ground is futile!!! so back away when he is getting off the ground. Another hard characteristic of Dante is his ability to dodge better than angelo credo.
Demon Stars: ***
Boss #8 - Sanctus
This guy is the only guy i hate as much as Agnus...damnit. He's a religous psychopath that want's you inside a huge gaylike statue. This guy is easy. Lol that was short. But seriously,i dont know if he got easier because of my experience in the game or he is just easy. just use snatch to get close to him in the air,then hack him!!!! then when his shield is broken do your thing. Devil Trigger+Devil Bringer+unshielded Sanctus= Godlike!
Demon Stars: **
Hmmmmm, is still didnt give any boss **** demon stars or more... lets just wait XD