Nintendo needs to get things straight about gamers...
Not all gamers are casual gamers. In fact, before the Wii and Touch Generation games, most gamers enjoyed Gory Shooteverybody: Black Strike Eagle II and The Garlaxiaism Chronicles: The Life-Force King more than Let's Raise Ponies: Shetland Expansion(names have been changed). Casual games were for small children and retirement home Bingo Night parties. Now let me set today's scene; Tommy is going over to Jim's house.
Tommy: Hi, Jim
Jim: Hey Tommy.
Tommy: What new games do you have?!?
Jim: Well, let's see: CounterBlackOps III, Destroy all Lifeforms II, the remake of Angel JumpJump (man, this one's hard.) Oh! and Ukelele Achooie for my older system.
Tommy: Older system? You mean the one that has *gulp* buttons?
Jim: What's wrong with that?
Tommy: Nothing, cept for I don't like using my finger, but whatever. Al those games are too deep, nvolving, long and exciting for me. Got any Wii InShape?
Jim: No.
Tommy: Oh. What about Chefing Mother? Or Wii TennisBoxingGolfBowlingBaseballPlayForFun?
Jim No, and...What?!?
Tommy: Not even Polka Group?
Jim: Sorry...
Tommy: I'm leaving. Forever.
Jim: Bye! *turns and boots up Angel JumpJump*
30 Years later..
Jim is sitting in his executive office in the 67 floor of the Jimtendo building.He's wearing a suit that costs almost as much as his hairstyle. Tommy walks in, wearing a tan coverall with his name embroidered on the breast pocket. Tommy moves toward the solid platinum trash can.
Jim: You must be the new janitor...
Tommy: Sorry, but I'm only a temp.
Jim: A temporary janitor! They have those?
Tommy, under his breath: When you fail Sanitation Services School...
Jim: What?
Tommy: Nothing.
Jim: Say, you look kind of familiar. Have we met before?
Tommy: No. Anyway, be seeing you.
Jim: Wait just a minute, you didn't think you could steal my solid platinum trash can, could you?!?
Tommy, removing the trash can from his pants: No sir. Sorry.
Jim: Oh well. Here. Have a parting gift. *Hands him Wii ShootEmUp: Brown Ops Squad VI* Here have a copy of the worlds best selling, best reveiwed game ever. you know, GameSplat gave it an 11.3.
Tommy: Whatever.
Tommy goes home, heats up his leftover micrwave Mack and Cheese, then opens up a BudIsn'tWeiser and sits in front of the TV watching Two-Thousand,Eight-Hundred and Sixty-Two Dollar Passcode until three AM, then cries himself to sleep on his twin hydabed, wakes up at four-thirty AM, and gets arrested for indecent exposure because he left his fly down.
Jim earns enough money to open a top secret reasearch project to discover the secret of immortality. He lives forever, and buys Nintendo, devolops the Wii2, and corners the casual gaming and awsome gaming markets. Becomes richer than God
That's why casual gamers will never, ever, rule the Neverlands or Luxembourg. Thank you.