It's been taken out of context go read for yourselves & you'll see what I mean because on the other hand they say the Xbox One is better in other aspects .
You won't tell the difference really though between the consoles especially with 3rd party games to be honest .
A lot of gamers are waiting & not getting a next generation console there waiting to get a Pc rig because let's be honest the graphics won't look much better on the supposed next generation consoles compared to the Xbox 360 or Ps3 because graphically not a huge leap but more memory yeah but imagine what the Pc graphics are going to look like towards the end of the next generation consoles you be like wow forcing gamers to go to the Pc game over .
I think they tried to take the casual market but it's way to expensive for that is the Xbox One it's just an expensive flop that is under powered compared to the Ps4 which is fifty times faster if I was Ms I would start again .
Though I do worry because both consoles are underpowered compared to the Pc which is way more powerful now , where is the Pc going to be at the end of the next generation console lifecycle !
Is Japan like it used to be regarding games consoles or they more for MMO's on there Pc nowadays , I know they like there handhelds but I don't know where there at with there console gaming ?
Look it's your game & no one else's so you should do what you like with the game regardless of what these money grabbers at Ea say , last week they were stopping there code in used games now there at it again , I won't buy here games simply .
The thing is as well that new used games are expensive there not cheap any way , if I do leave console gaming this will be why I have had a guts full of these greedy corporations screwing us over time after time & I have not got the money like I used with bringing up a family first , there just being greedy & are not happy selling there products once they want to take a cut of everything pure utter greed will be there downfall when the whole thing crashes like in 1983 the way there going .
The way things are going I don't think I will upgrade to the 720 or ps4 because visually you'll have to look real close to your tv to notice any big leap in graphics !
Bedsidelee's comments