Beer_Belly_08's forum posts
both are ugly done deal okay? there are much better looking gamer girls. WilliamRLBaker
Like who Trixie :shock: Yikes
I'd take Morgan. While Olivia is prettier overall, Morgan's personality is more appealing to me. She's a gamer. Olivia can barely work a Wiimote. Millennium_King
Yeah but it seems as kinky as she comes across she can clearly work something else for sure.:P
The more that comes out the more I think the Packers look bad.
Example, from the Fox news interview:
Favre told Van Susteren that "I worked my butt off two years ago to try to get them to sign Randy Moss."
Favre added that he offered to give up salary to sign the receiver who ultimately landed with the New England Patriots.
Favre said that Thompson publicly denied that the quarterback had lobbied for Moss.
I forever have a special place in my heart to hate Ted Thompson.
It's BAD BAD BAD either way for both. Farve ane Green Bay will never be the same. Unles Green bay says sorry and brings Farve back . This will go down as an EPIC failure on both sides.
Hubba Hubba
When M$ lost big key exclusives to the PC and PS3 (Bioschock, Gears of War, and Mass Effect), PS3 owners were posting "360 is dead" threads everywhere while 360 owners were rolling their eyes and saying "who cares". Fast fowarding, we are seeing the other side of the coin with these same styled crappy threads. Listen fanboys, and listen closely. It is simply good business moves to go multiplat and make up from all the high quality hollywood style production costs that these new games produce. It is a matter of making a profit in order to survive in the business world. Instead of trying to "own" someone on an internet gaming website, do some research before looking like a total a$$ clown to the gaming community.
PS3+Xbox360+Wii+PC = win
Lemmings+Cows+Sheep+Hermits+Fanboys= Fail
Class dismissed.
FF13 was Sony's HOLY GRAIL. Sony's ACE BOOKU Sony's PRIDE AND JOY. Well you get the point. Sony has been OWNED PERIOD on this one buddy.
Besides those games you mentioned Well What system do PC gamers play those games on WINDOWS:roll:MS owns both.
i disagree. its brett favre. how is he the bad guy. im a bears fan and i hated the guy cause he used to own us. but seriously the fact that the pack wont let him go if he wants to play isnt fair. they owe him a lot considering what he did for that franchise but people seem to forget that.xbox360isgr8t
Farve has done this for several seasons. Now leaving GreenBay in limbo each off season not knowing what his plans are. So now Green Bay has moved on and want to see what Arron can do.
Green Bay is smart they will take a trade for him if he wants to play. It's called buisness.
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