Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA but life gets in the way and sometimes you haven't anything to say, I am not so sure what I have to say is of much importance either but here I go anyways. :P I was going over my list of shows and deciding which showsI am most looking forward to this season and came up with a list. I am really looking forward to fall (my favorite season, love the colors!) and we are having a Will Graham(Billy Graham's grandson) crusade here on September 14-16 and I amlooking forward to that as well.:) So here is my list of top anticipated shows(new and old) for this fall season:
1. Boston Legal...just because Denny and Alan are so funny and it has some of the best dialogue of a show on TV presently.
2. Supernatural...because Dean and Sammy show what family means and sacrifice means for family(and they are cute lil hotties...what?! Im old not dead:P )
3. CSI:NY....One of the best of the CSI spin-offs because it is so gritty and it has some real flash as well not to mention Mac, Danny and Flak...lol :D
4. Dexter...because this show is cutting edge(no pun intended) and has a terrific ensemble cast...Michael C. Hall plays Dex to a tee.
5. Pushing Daisies...Lee Pace is adorable and I became a fan when he was on that great but too quickly cancelled quirky show "Wonderfalls".
6. Life...I became a fan of Damian Lewis after I saw him in Dreamcatcher and this show looks to be funny.
7. Bones...I have so missed this show while it has been on summer hiatus. I love the camraderie and chemistry of the characters..plus David Boreanaz, what's not to love? ;)
8. CSI...I am looking forward to the minature killer arc to be finished and to see if Sarah is back or not...plus William Pederson will always be one of my favorites(He has been a hottie since To Live and Die in LA IMHO :P )
9.Heroes...I am looking forward to seeing if the second season is as good as the first. I am not sure if the characters will be back because I would really miss Nathan and Peter(I have no clue whether Nathan took Peter up high enough to prevent their deaths or not, hope so). :)
10. Criminal Minds...I want to see how the show does since Mandy Patinkin has left and Joe Mantenga is being brought in. Hopefully it is a strong enough show that it can survive the loss of Jason Gideon.
Right now those are my top 10. The shows I could give a hoot about are Cavemen(what a dumb idea), Bionic Woman(sorry but it's been done ..isn't there any creativity and imagination in Hollywood TVLand anymore?), Private Practice( I just don't think Grey's is strong enough for a spin-off but I could be wrong), Lost(This show has jumped the shark in my opinion...maybe they could actually have Henry Winkler on there and he could re-inact that for us..I would watch that..lol):P. Well...I know it's my opinions and I just wonder what yours are...maybe you can change my mind about some of these (Good luck with that!) ;)
I sure hope everyone is doing well, you are in my prayers, and i hope God blesses you all and keeps you safe in His loving care today. I may get back to my 70's blog sooner or later but I needed a break from it. Congrats to Noah, Iphigenie, and QB..sorryI missed it darlings but my nephew needed me and my sister and I could not be online that day. Hugs and Kissses anyways! :)
Now for some fun....LOL!
Now Ya'll know you couldn't live without Hilary Duff and Paris(the brain) Hilton's advice....right? :P LOL
Hope, Faith and Love...and the greatest of these is Love...Hugz everyone!!! Later Taters!!!!XOXO :) ~Bekka