If you're running Windows Vista it may be necessary for you to run as administrator. To do this just right click on the file and select run as administrator. This helps with alot of installation/unzipping problems in Vista.
I'd like to see a link also, those stats seem pretty dubious. In the guild I'm in on the alliance we have only one player younger than 18. Our oldest is 54, so obviously there are mature adults that play the game. You have to remember it is a computer game that appeals to people of all ages so you'll find plenty of mature and immature players of all ages.
I work in tech support and from my vantage point it has seemed pretty lack luster. Of course I only see the one's that are screwing up so I have a bias. The compatibility problems, random errors, and incessent nagging "are you sure you want to do that operation" have me pretty turned off right now. Perhaps service pack 1 will iron out some of the bugs...
I don't know if this topic has been covered before but I just had to say something. Does anyone else find it rediculous how much flaming goes on on these forums? What is it about us that we can't just politely disagree without attacking the character of the person we disagree with. I've hardly seen any topics with over 5 posts that didn't include someone flaming. Do people think it makes you cool or something to be a complete **** to total strangers. I bet if this topic has anyone read it someone is going to disagree and start a flame war. Anyone else getting fed up with reading all of this garbage?
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