Well I don't know if any of you have noticed, but lately I've been playing a LOT of Metroid games. To be honest I never was THAT into the series, but recently I bought "Metroid Prime: Trilogy" (I had never played any of the Prime games for the gamecube or Wii) and I simply fell in love with the series. I had bough "Metroid" and "Super Metroid" for the Virutal Console on my Wii and I started playing them again, I went ahead and bought "Metroid: Fusion" from a friend of mine (and "Metroid: Zero Mission) and started playing all these games!
So now I'm focusing on playing this series so when "Metroid: The Other M" comes out I have the storyline memorized and am fully ready to play it! Now I have to mention there is ONE Metroid title that has escaped my grasp, and that would be "Metroid 2: Return of Samus" for the original GameBoy. I have the means of playing it (emulators, which I won't discuss here since its against the regulations), but from what I've read it doesn't fully capture the feeling of what Metroid games are. I've also yet to play "Metroid Prime Hunters", so when I fix my DS I'l buy it and check it out as well.
So that's all for now, I'l keep you all posted, here's something cool I wanted to share with all of you, its a timeline (order upon which the Metroid games take place), so here it is.
See you all soon!