A coworker that has been working with us for a few months, was telling us she had medical problems. I thought that sucks. Recently she said that she is quitting to go back home because of her medical problem. I found out later that she has cancer and she has a month to live. That is why she is quitting and going back home. That just sucks to be told you have a expiration date on you and you have to stop everything you are doing. My sympathys for her.
Beltbite Blog
One more week before assassins creed!
by Beltbite on Comments
can't wait one more week for assassins creed 2. I am hella stoked
Oh what a day
by Beltbite on Comments
I saw the movie Michael Jackson: This is It! It was good showed alot of Michael Jacksons personality and how he worked with people. It was just awesome. I wish I could have seen him live before he died. He was so gentle with what he wanted when somebody messed up in rehearsal he would say "it is ok thats why we have rehearsal" I liked it. Most defintaly getting it on blu-ray. The movie theatre also gave use Michael Jackson Lanyards! Woot Woot
Telling the story on my broken collar bone
by Beltbite on Comments
This Happened on July 5th 2006.
well today was interesting, oh and im not going to be in work for 8 weeks. well anyways my story about today. me and jack rode our bikes up to the lake exacly like last week we got there and swam and almost got into a fight. then we fixed a rope swing. as we were riding home like 500 feet from a gas station. all i remeber is being on my knees and holding my head and saying **** **** my head" and it felt like i wanted to throw up. and i layed on the road and jack was telling me get out of the road dude. Jack said i ate **** and i was bouncing off the road. i try to get up and my shoulder hurt like a mother. i stood up and walked off the road and sat down, my shoe was missing and my vision was going black and i was like "**** no i can't black out" luckily i didn't. as i tried to move my shoulder i felt something moving under my skin. and jack was telling me i can already tell you broke a collar bone. and im thinking ****!!!!. all my life i never broke a bone in my body and i skateboarded and stuff and today i break one of the most sensitive bones in my body. i tried to walk with jack and i sat at the gas station and jack went to his house to grab his truck. and pick me up. the people that was at the store was nice they gave me a bag of ice and a cup of water. all i can think was **** they are going to pop it in place and it is going to hurt!!! and the bill damn it is going to be high and i was moving my arm and i could something moving under my skin. jack picked me up it sucked to walk get up sit down. yeah. well jack pick up me up drove me to my house were i talk to my sister then me and jack and my sis drove to the hospital. and i was in there and the Dr was saying you probably fracture your collar bone. i saw the xrays and no i did not fracture my collar bone i reall snapped it off the bone. damn luckily the gave me drugs and a sling to keep my arm in. well thats why i am going to be out for awhile. well take care.
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