BenSr / Member

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Long Hill Climb !

Well it's over! The Long Hill Climb of Leval 20!

This has to be the toughest level to go through! It does seem to matter how much you post, games you add, vote, of anything. you only move up 2% maybe by some flute 4%.

Now I try not to let this rank and level stuff bug me, and it doesn't. It's not like I can benefit from it in the real world, but it's nice to get some kind of recognition for participating. I don't post much, how ever for an older guy like me coming up to 2,000 posts that's kind of alot being that most of the people I'm chatting with are 30 years younger than me!

So what's next? I'm not sure. I think I'm going to find away to help out lower levels! I still see upper levelblowing the little guys off and I seen a lot of peoples heads swell up after they past 20! It's like all of a sudden they're so smart! Like how many of them have a job, are out of school, able to get into college, have their own house, drive a car, do they have a licence, what about paying the house hold bills, their own cell phone, buying groceries, and just doing something for their parents with out them asking! Not to many from what I seen in fact maybe 2 I have meet but not on this site. Seems to me most of the kids for get if it was for their parents they wouldn't even be on Game Spot. I guess it bothers me when these kids think they're all that when all they really do is chat on their pc or play their games and have no time anymore for the newbie! They seem to forget that someone here helped them!

So some how some way I'm going to find the newbies and offer  my help! Help them set up their profiles, where to find things, how to pick a union that would work for them, sigs, tags, banners and how to level up! All that kind of stuff that upper levels, start acting like it's a big deal to tell the lower guy the how to.

So if you're a newbie that has come across this blog and you need some help, pm me . May be I can help. I was a level 1 also at one time.