Moving On!
by BenSr on Comments
Time to move on, or in other words get in the Game. Been with GS for awhile checking out all the forms, and reviews of what's out there. Started messing with a PC (which I picked up for work) a few years back (never did like computers, family thing)and my kids showed me the games on the computer. Well the games that came with my PC was getting old, and I needed more. So I picked up Delta Force, and I found a new and wild world. I put in hours, days, weekends with out sleep. Yep I was hooked (still am), just couldn't stop till I was actually falling asleep while playing. Up graded my internet for on line gaming, grabbing on to any 1st person shooter game that was out there or coming out. Then (and now) I had to be 1st, at Best Buy to pick up any new releases, I remember when Black Hawk Down came out BB said they didn't have it yet and I told them their web site said they did! sure enough it was in the back. Well, some years have past and this past Xmas I was given an Xbox. That's all I wanted, and it's been a blast. Alot different with the controls, but I've gotten better, I'm not great, but I can hang.I'm still into the 1st person shooter games, I guess the stories turn me on, it's like watching a movie, and being part of it. I've picked up some other types of games so I can game with my wife, kids, niece, nephew, and grandkids, like Shrek, Mega Man, Sonic, and of coarse some Starwars. I've picked up the 360, which was to leave me with an Xbox all to myself, but as I noticed this past Thanksgiving I had to share my 360 (while my original Xbox is upstairs) with others, plus my new 360 games. This past Saturday was (which is when our house had everyone come over for Turkey) OK and if there is anything I have in common with the kids (ages 3 to 25) is gaming. So now it's time for me to get more into the game, interact more with GS, hook-up with other gamers, and do some online ( I have Comcast's High Speed Internet)gaming with my 360. Won't get any better unless I play others. Xbox GT: PapaSr :wink: