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Time Goes On :)

Yes finally, time has passed and it'll be August. This for me means GAME TIME! New games will be released in a couple weeks. Now, not that there hasn't been a few games that haven't come out in the past couple of months for the 360. It's just that there really hasn't been any decent types that I like to play. The best one I picked up in the past month or 2 has been The Darkness, GREAT Game! I picked up Transformers and so far it has been a big let down, then again I really haven't messed with it that much. Maybe today after I do somethings around the house (since I have the day off) I'll put it in the 360 and give it a try again.

Anyways I've been waiting for August because the 360 games will start rolling in. The three that I have prepaid for are Two Worlds, which will give me the joy of single play like Oblivion and 4 player Co-Ops which will be almost like FFXI. At least this is my hope. Bio Shock will becoming which seems to be a pretty wierd game, which I like. From what I've read one of the main things to do is go after this little tripped out girl who has this big freak watching over her. LOL Something kinky going on there LOL!! Long waited Stranglehold will finally be released with all it's special effects. There's been alot of talk about this game, as well as time put into it. So I feel or at least hope it won't be a flop like other games that have movie ppl involved. Two other games I've been thinking about is Blue Dragon and Medal of Honor: Airborne, this will depend on what I read on the boards and who has them on my 360 friends list.

Now September is going to be a big month for alot of us. HALO 3 will be released on the 25th and I plan on taking a couple days off. :) Now it's said that this will be last of Master Chief but do you really believe that? I don't !I can't see have Xbox would give up on a big $$$ maker and believe there will be another. Halo 3 isn't the only game in September I'm waiting for, there's Blacksite: Area 51, which will be released first. Now when I first heard Are 51, I thought it was going to be like the Xbox Area 51 version, which was very cool but, it's not. I did play the demo and I believe I'll have some fun with this one.

So soon I'll have some more gamesin my collection and enough to hold me over till Halo 3 is released. Hopefully enough to keep me busy while waiting for Half Life 2 Orange, GTA IV, Time Shift, Mass Effect, and COD 4.

Yes time goes on, and it's been a long wait but soon the games will be rolling in :) At least as long as there is NO set back, like Mass Effect, Two Worlds which was to be released this Monday, the day after my birthday and others in the past.

Well my friends just wanted to say Hi, and GAME ON!! :)