Well, when I was finally able to download the beta ( I'm a Crackdown owner :( ) I hooked up with a friend to check out this new amazing Halo 3 multiplayer beta. For me there were no major OOOOS and AAAHS. Now I never been a major fan of Halo mulitplayer, so I wasn't concern of the game play. My interest of getting the beta was the graphics and I didn't see that much of a difference. then again I did spend alot of time covering my rear, so i couldn't spend much time checking out the sites LOL! some things I noticed and was able to check out was the weapons, nice to use a gatling gun, but a bit bulkie and slow, found some odd pistols that look cool and could do some dual pistol shooting, but they're weak. Vehicles were about what was expected. Now i know that this is just a beta and mainly being used to get any on-line game play straightened out. So I'm really not going to judge it! I just hope that when the game is released, the story mode keeps up to all the hype
WOW! I'n supprised! No, EA's - Battlefield 1942, Ubi Soft - Tom Clany's, Ghost Recon, Novalogic's - Delta Force games are not in the list! I seem to remmeber a time when these games were a most have and petty hard to get in a multiplayer match on pc!Man I use to play all weekend with out sleep! To me these games rate the right to be with the Americanest Games.
1.Halo 2 (Xbox) 2.Mech Assault 2: Lone Wolf (Xbox) 3.Doom 3 (Xbox) 4.Half Life 2 (pc) 5.Tribes: Vengeance (pc) Pretty hard to just pick 5, and then place in order. So I based my choices on the plan fact that these games captivated me the most! I Mean that I just couldn't stop playing them, and when I did complete the game I was like "Ya!", but it also had an emptiness that it was over! If you notice these games are series, I have all their editions, and I'm always looking forward to a new edition. These games are so good to me, that just hearing their name I'm off to my game supplier pre-paying for the new edition with out reading or watching any reviews!
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