Ok, so here's the deal, my brother has recently got a girlfriend, and every weekend he goes to see her. What's the problem I hear you ask, well, this could lead to a Dilemma, as written in the topic title, see what I did there? Yeah? I incorparated the topic title, aren't I a good writer?
Anyway, as I was saying, this could be a problem, because there's only a window of 4 hours to play games after he comes home from work before he goes to sleep, but he spends majority of that time catching up on what's been going down on the Internet. So this is where I link the story, if there's only a max of 4 hours game playing on weekdays, but he spends that time on the PC, then the only gaming time would be the weekends right? But as mentioned before, he goes to see his girlfriend then, so that time to taken up.
So where does this leave me you might be asking, well, if he's not spending his time gaming, then there's less chance of him buying games, because what would the motivation be, apart from buying the games for me to play, which of course isn't going to happen.
The only way to solve all this of course is to kill his girlfriend, but I'm not that kind of guy, so I guess I'll have to come up with another solution, a solution that doesn't involve me paying for them....