Benco18 / Member

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Has Gaming Lost Its Soul?

In our house is an Xbox 360, yet I don't find myself playing it at all, only when my brother pesters me to.

Could it be that I'm getting older and gaming doesn't appeal to me anymore? Not sure, I certainly still anticipate the release of games, but when it comes to actually playing them then it seems as though something is missing...

A good sign for me as to whether a game is good, is that when I close my eyes, I still see the game, but I just don't get that anymore, apart from recently playing Guitar Hero 3. It's as though games have ditched their souls for sexy graphics, much like movies have done, where they just throw a couple of big explosions together and skimp on the storyline.

This current generation of gaming has also disappointed me, I was expecting longer games, but for developers these days, they spend all their time on the online aspect of the game. Now, don't get me wrong, online gaming is popular these days, but if I spend £30-40 on a game, I expect the main campaign of the game to be fully loaded and to last longer than the last generation of gaming.

I just hope that GTA IV lives up to the hype..