Benco18 / Member

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Ni No Kuni

Ok, so it's been 5 years since I last did a blog post, which I guess is a long time, people have probably moved on, got married, had kids that kind of thing, so maybe I'm just doing this for myself, self indulgence is cool though.

Anyway, on to the main reason for this blog post.

I've recently been playing a game called Ni No Kuni: Wrath Of The White Witch. My advice to you PS3 gamers out there; BUY THIS GAME! It's awesome, a work of art and just an amazing game. I've pumped so many hours into it mainly because I'm just wondering around, doing fights because I don't want to complete the game too fast and then have nothing fun to play (although Metal Gear Rising comes out on Friday) plus it's good to morph your little familiers into their next form!

I've had my say now anyway, so if there's anybody out there still using this here website, then read these words of wisdom and maybe hit me up or something, tell me your problems, or maybe point me to your blog posts, I love a good read.

