i think it would be interesting to explore the possibility of immersing the player in an entirely foreign moral code. Western society's is one particular perspective. Some would argue that there is no quintessential good and evil, only choices made according to an arbitrary set of morals. Why not then, in a game set in a fantasy world, create new moral codes which conflict in interesting ways? Especially in games which include elements of diplomacy and relationship with other characters. Just a thought.
That was actually so boring I think I want to cry. I don't know why I rifled through the lot of it, probably for the pictures. Don't get me wrong, I'll buy this game. It's just, the comments were so boring/not funny that I had to stop reading them.
To the one who mentioned Columbine, you sound as though you're about to go out and do something similar. The lighter side is that you haven't played any R18+ games (or so we must assume) and by doing something extreme, you prove will your own point. Godspeed. I disagree with this sort of censorship, even though I myself would not have access to this sort of content were it available, being only 17. And how 'bout that broadband? Sounds like we win either way, if those reptilian excuses for real people don't forget about their promises, or eat their words.
People keep ragging on the Wii because of its "inferior" graphics and lack of good games. While to some extent I can sympathise with your views - there are precious few worthwhile games and other same generation consoles may have better graphics - I can't agree with you. I don't own a PS3 or 360, simply because I made a decision (that I do not regret) to buy a Wii, and did not think it worth my money to buy any more consoles. Wii games can still entertain people (believe it or not), and as for the graphics, need I remind you of what people enjoyed in the past? Arcade gems were loved by many. The Wii's graphics are adequate. Go flaunt your system specs to someone who cares, if you can find such a person. Besides, what games are there that warrant buying a 360 or PS3? So far, I haven't seen enough, especially since I'm an action RPG / Platformer man.
BenevolentEnemy's comments