Hey guys, long time no see. I'm thinking of stopping the music reviews because no one really seems to care about them. I may do them from time to time in the future if I feel like it but don't expect weekly ones again unless for some odd reason someone asks me to make one. If you have requests for certain albums I'd be more than happy to review one. I'm going to be taking a break from falling off of buildings in Mirror's Edge and borrowing Devil May Cry 4 from the same guy I borrowed Uncharted from. For those of you who don't know I finished Uncharted and reviewed it, you should check it out under my contributions. In exchange he'll be returning Gears Of War to me and I'll be lending him Dead Rising. Has anyone seen the trailer for the new zelda game on the DS, Zelda: Spirit Tracks? It looks totally awesome in my opinion. I've also been playing a lot of Chrono Trigger on the DS, totally awesome game. You can expect me to begin revamping my past reviews again til they're all up to par with my newer ones, and hopefully I'll have some new reviews up for you guys sometime in the future.
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