Millisecond delays between clicking your mouse and seeing your shot fire in an online game might not be an humanitarian issue, but that's just because you've been pulled into a "National Acceptance" of LAG, according to a bizarre new initiative called "".
From these sombre tones in which these zealots talk about lag, you'd think they were a support group for victims of violent crime. ""No longer will LAG simply be accepted as part of the online gaming experience. We will fight, we will win, we will end LAG now!"
The company behind this site (Bigfoot Networks), have created a utility that runs in your system tray and monitors the LAG you're experiencing in games, and notes the cause of it. They're not terribly helpful about the solution, though.
After a lot of gumph about fighting LAG through increasing awareness of it, their practical advice ranges from patronising ("Choose the server with the lowest ping") to i'm passioned but hopelessly ambiguous ("Don't let those murderous bastards who write spyware ruin your game").
In fact, some of it starts to make you wonder if they know what on Earth they're talking about.
The utility is well-made and informative, though, and if nothing else you can use it to determine whether you are the victim of a poor connection in the game you just lost, or if you just suck abysmally.