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I am NOT a quitter!

Are YOU a quitter? We as gamers have played some of the worst products that they passed as 'entertainment'. Though no matter how horrible they are, or even how tremendously difficult they are, I manage to finish all my games. I realized this after finishing LOTR: Conquest. When finishing the game, I kept thinking, "Man, this isn't even fun anymore. It's like a chore to finish", but the funny thing is that I managed to finish the game later that night anyways.

I realized I do that for all of my games. All of my games I finished, except if I don't have time, but that basically means I'll finish it later anyways. I mean even though I hated the story, hated the gameplay, I just feel the need to finish the damn thing. The weird thing is that none of my friends do the same. Is it just me?

I never applied this to games before PS2 by the way. I think I was too young to finish SNES and PSone games. Although I did go back to finish Chrono Trigger.

I mean I finished some of the worst games. I mean really really bad games.

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I mean COME ON. Who in the right mind finished THIS game? I bought this game because I loved the original final fights, and was actually expecting the SAME. It WASN'T the same. I freaking CRIED, it was horrible AND the hardest final stage evarr (Okay, not EVARR, but I really don't like escort missions...)

But this also applies to sports games. I mean I'm a sports guy, not a video game sports guy, but I still have to finish the career mode. I just feel like I HAVE to. Though finishing a game doesn't necessarily mean getting 100% of the whole thing. I mean just the core single player portion of the thing, and obviously doesn't apply to the games that go on forever like Gran Turismo, although I did finish every race for GT3. Which was as much fun as it was pain, but I guess it's just me. I finish every game I buy, every game I borrow since the PS2 era.

"I don't like to quit. Call me a dork, but especially on video games. I am NOT a quitter! Are YOU?" :)
