Beverly_S / Member

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Adventure Bug...

I'm ready to end my semi-sabbatical from video games. I took a much needed break, though I do still play Guild Wars periodically. But now I'm getting the itch to play some of my favorite games--adventure games. I've loaded Myst: End of Ages on my mac, I'm getting Scratches and Return to Mysterious Island in the next week, and that's only to keep me sane until April when Dreamfall comes out. I'm ready to kick back and do some serious puzzle solving! I love the Adventure genre, and I'm looking forward to playing some games where I don't have to kill anybody or worry about getting killed, lol. I guess when Guild Wars: Factions and Tombraider: Legends are released I'll get back to good ol' fashioned killing and dying. :P Happy gaming, everyone! :) Bev