My BioShock Infinite review is now up. Please check it out and any other reviews you might want to.
BiABeasts Blog
Brothers in Arms: Furious 4 Trailer at E3, this is what we waited 3 1/2 yrs for?
by BiABeasts on Comments
the fourth Brothers in Arms game, Brothers in Arms: Furious 4, was introduced with a trailer at E3. Brothers in Arms fans all over the world are pissed off and disappointed because it is now a completely different story and looks like all of the strategy is going to be taken out. if you haven't seen the trailer for it you should check it out and if you're a fan of the first 3 Brothers in Arms games than i'm sure you'll be disappointed too. there are completely different characters and the soldiers look like something out of Bad Company. the only thing that is the same is that you're in WWII and you're killing a bunch of Nazi's it seems. most of the comments in all of the videos i've seen for it are comparing it to Inglorious Bastards. i'm disappointed but it looks like it might still be fun. i will still be getting the game based on the fact that i am such a big fan of the series and it looks like it still might be fun. a gameplay is expected to be coming out possibly at the last day of E3. let's cross our fingers and pray it's still a good game and that the past 3 1/2 years weren't a complete waste for this game.
Bioshock 2 Review.
by BiABeasts on Comments
my Bioshock 2 review is now out so please be sure to check it out and thumb it up or down and please be sure to do the same for any of my other reviews that you haven't checked out yet.
Assassin's Creed II Review.
by BiABeasts on Comments
my Assassin's Creed II review is now out so please be sure to check it out and thumb it up or down and please be sure to do the same for any of my other reviews that you haven't checked out yet.
Expanding My Profile.
by BiABeasts on Comments
this is to all of my friends here on GameSpot and people just checking out my profile. if you are my friend, you know that i post a lot of reviews when i have the time and if you're not my friend, well i do, haha. anyways, i have over 30 blogs and over 20 reviews, but i don't have the amount of people checking out my profile that i want to. so if you're my friend or anyone just checking out my profile, please help expand my profile. i enjoy making reviews for people to read. they are really good, especially my newer ones, and i would like more people checking them out. and my blogs are interesting too. i will be posting more reviews and blogs when i have the time and with Spring break coming up, i will probably have time for doing that. so people please help expand my channel and add me as a friend if you aren't already.
Top 5 Games of 2009.
by BiABeasts on Comments
My Top 5 Games of 2009:
5.) Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
4.) Left 4 Dead 2
3.) Mass Effect 2
2.) Kill Zone 2
1.) Assassin's Creed II
My Halo 3 Review... Finally.
by BiABeasts on Comments
i have been promising a Halo 3 review now for 6 months, but have been playing that addicting COD 4 and MW2 and have not been able to finish the last hour apparently that i had left to beat the game. i also have just not had enough time to do that because of football and school but it is up now finally after 6 months of promising. i'm sorry i wasn't able to get this review up earlier but it is up now and remember to check out my other reviews if you have not yet seen them. i really enjoy doing reviews for people to read.
Been A While and Why I Haven't Been Doing Reviews/Modern Warfare 2.
by BiABeasts on Comments
it's been a while since i last came on here on my profile. i was planning on doing a few reviews the last time i was on but i have had a LOT of school because i also had football. well i decided to make this blog mainly about Modern Warfare 2. i got Modern Warfare 2 at midnight the night it came out at my local gamestop and i have played some of the campaign and only like 2 and 1/2 hours of online but i have played on all of the levels online and so i am telling you what i think about the online because the campaign mode is pretty much the same as the first one. but yeah, the online is different and i liked the first Modern Warfare's online a little better because the maps on Modern Warfare 2 are too big to get as many kills as you would on the first Modern Warfare and the first one was much simpler. another reason i liked the first one more is because the kill streak rewards on the first one are much better because some kill streak rewards on the second one are over powering. the predator missles are just a little too over powering and the chopper gunner is WAY over powering and there are some kill streak rewards that they just shouldn't have added. but the one thing that Modern Warfare 2 REALLY improved on from the first one is that when the host quits, then instead of closing the lobby, it searches for a new host. that is one really good new feature. so out of the first Modern Warfare and the second Modern Warfare's online modes, i would choose the first one. i would keep playing the first one, but i am going to move on because there will be nobody left on the first one now that Modern Warfare 2 came out and Modern Warfare 2 is still REALLY fun to play online and it's the 2nd best online game ever next to the first Modern Warfare.
Madden 10!
by BiABeasts on Comments
today i went and got Madden 10. i might end up doing a review for it, but i don't know yet.
Halo 2 Review. (20th Review!!!)
by BiABeasts on Comments
i have now completed Halo 2 and have made a review for it. so please be sure to check out that review and any other reviews of mine that you haven't seen. also, i will be starting Halo 3 which i bought a couple of days ago probably either tonight or maybe tommorow and make a review and blog like this about it once i complete it.
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