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Been A While and Why I Haven't Been Doing Reviews/Modern Warfare 2.

it's been a while since i last came on here on my profile. i was planning on doing a few reviews the last time i was on but i have had a LOT of school because i also had football. well i decided to make this blog mainly about Modern Warfare 2. i got Modern Warfare 2 at midnight the night it came out at my local gamestop and i have played some of the campaign and only like 2 and 1/2 hours of online but i have played on all of the levels online and so i am telling you what i think about the online because the campaign mode is pretty much the same as the first one. but yeah, the online is different and i liked the first Modern Warfare's online a little better because the maps on Modern Warfare 2 are too big to get as many kills as you would on the first Modern Warfare and the first one was much simpler. another reason i liked the first one more is because the kill streak rewards on the first one are much better because some kill streak rewards on the second one are over powering. the predator missles are just a little too over powering and the chopper gunner is WAY over powering and there are some kill streak rewards that they just shouldn't have added. but the one thing that Modern Warfare 2 REALLY improved on from the first one is that when the host quits, then instead of closing the lobby, it searches for a new host. that is one really good new feature. so out of the first Modern Warfare and the second Modern Warfare's online modes, i would choose the first one. i would keep playing the first one, but i am going to move on because there will be nobody left on the first one now that Modern Warfare 2 came out and Modern Warfare 2 is still REALLY fun to play online and it's the 2nd best online game ever next to the first Modern Warfare.