Well, the holiday season is upon us and Christmas is now over (thank God above). I bought my kid Guitar Hero III for PS2 this year. I got the Stryker wireless guitar bundle and all the fixin's... LOL I play it more than she does! Wow. It's amazing how much one little game can turn you into an addict. Good Grief. I think my kid doesn't want to play it cause I am better at it than she is. I just picked up the guitar and started messin' around, and 2 days later I'm beating Lou on easy and I'm off to medium. Ouch.
I had bought myself Clive Barker's Jericho so I'd have something to play too. So when I'm not playing GHIII, I'm zoned out in front of my PC with Jericho. Yeah, my life sucks. Hehehe! To be honest, my hands and wrists aren't really that much better, so the actual play time isn't very long. But I do enjoy every minute I do get. :) Glad to be back playing again. I'll have to warm up my Q3 skills again and join in on some Friday Night Frag Fest action too. Enough for now. Out...