Jeez, I swear I died at least 8 times last night. I was running a few quests that just happened to be in Bramblethorn something and got killed too many times by freakin' poison arrows. ACK! Then I joined a group to do an instance, the Wailing Caverns. That was interesting. I was the only warrior in the group. All the others were cloth-wearers. I was pounded on repeatedly. I still haven't leveled to 21 yet. It seems to be taking forever. I keep having to stop and help my roommate out, and other things pop up. *sigh* I'm gonna get there tonight. I need to pick up a good 1 handed sword tonight and drop by the bank and pick up my shield. Need to work with that for good tanking results. Tanking with a 2 handed sword doesn't work so well. Good Grief!
My roommate is level 16 now I think, so he's slowly catching up. He's still on our home continent, when I'm messing around in the Barrens. LOL I was so bored with Silverpine Forest I could have cheerfully screamed. ACK! My hearthstone is still set for the Sepulcher so I have to be careful. :D More later.
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