Ah yes. I finally got my head out of my... well nevermind that. I've been doing some questing, achievements and more leveling. At this point you ask, what class do you not have to 80? I'd have to say just 4. Rogue, druid, shammy and warrior. My latest 80 blitz has been my mage. She's an arcane crazy thing who is now the proud owner of Quel'Delar, Lens of the Mind. Yep, I finally won a roll for the damn Battered Hilt. GG! I quickly handed it over to my sweet little mage and off she went on a big adventure. Okay, the questline wasn't really big, but it sure was fun. :D Cool pics here
I've been working slowly on my shammy all this time. She's finally hit level 61 as of yesterday. My warrior is still sitting at level 71, poor thing. Both the druid and rogue are unhappy at level 35. I can't dual spec them until level 40, but at least it's cheaper now. Stupid Blizz and changing prices on stuff. I bought Master Flight (310% speed) for 5k gold on both my pally (mining) and my lock (herbalism), only to find out they lowered the price to 4k. Dammit, I want 2k gold back you bastards.
Every one of my 80s has a 5k gs at this point. My hunter has been madly searching this whole last week for Loque'Nahak and King Krush. UGH. A stupid nelf hunter just beat me to LN the other day. I'd love to know when the dumb thing is going to respawn. It didn't take me this long to get Gondria. :( More QQ later.