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BiafraBeliever Blog

Weekly Update

Sorry I didn't write one last week, I forgot/was busy.  I hope you enjoy my pics of my xbox, as I have been playing it every chance I got, and to answer your next question, yes.
Last weekend I went with one of the orchestras i'm in to the University of Illinois @ Champaign/Urbana for a concert, and to stay over a night.  It was a lot of fun.  It consisted of me and my friends throwing ice at eachother in the halls and putting a sofa in the elevator.  And the best part of corse, was the 3 hour bus ride.  Then tomorrow I have another concert w/ that same orchestra.  Were playing the same repritore, but this time at northwestern rather than the U of I.  Then monday me and my chamber group are recording ourselves to be a part of Fischoff (the super bowl of chamber music).
So yeah, mostly a music filled week.  Nothing much to report on other than i'm going through music hell these next few day.  I'll (hopefully) see you guys next week.

weekly update

Looks like I might be gettin my xbox 360 tomorrow!!! oh boy oh boy oh boy!!!  i'll be sure to have pictures and imformation up as soon as I get it.  I made friends with a guy at best buy, and he said he'd hook me up.  So I called best buy just now to ask if they had any in, and he tim(my friend) picked up and said that they do have xbox's but store policy says that they have to tell people no until tomorrow.  Now, they are also being very very selective as to who to sell xbox's to, but i'm considered a vip to them now.  ain't it great?!?!
anyway, I'm well into 2nd semester in school, and doing pretty good so far.  24 is still awesome, bla bla bla......
next wednesday I have to perform an oboe solo, and i'm nowhere near to ready.  So i'm probabily gonna say that I have a wedding to go to so I can't make it.....
well that pretty much sums up thi sweek. very very uneventful.  But tomorrow i'll have pictures up of my 360.  peace out!

Weekly Update

Well, I got my finals back, and I did bad.  Two C's and two D's.  But the good thing is that even though I did bad, they didn't bring my grade down.
  Yesterday, somehow, my iPod broke.  I guess its not too much of a suprise considering its the 2nd generation of iPod(it's two and a half years old).  So i'm out of warranty, and gotta cough up $250 for a new one.
  That bet with my dad is still ongoing, but he said that it's gonna be a while until we can afford an xbox, even though I have more than half the thing payed for in gift cards.  but until then, i'll continue w/ CS:S.
 I added a new blog header, the little iBlog thing.  Took me 5 minutes, and I think it turned out pretty good, tell me what ya think.  I still have yet to move the text on my new bannar, that might be quite a while.
 Just yesterday acuaily, I was at a kidney doctor and a heart doctor.  See for the past year i've had a heart and kiddny condition.  Good news on both ends, my kidneys are 100% cured and my heart is improving very much.  It may sound kind of gross, I used to have trace amounts of blood in my urin....i know.
For anyone who hasn't seen the movie "Full Metal Jacket", you're missin out.  We're watchin that movie in english cuz it ties in with the book we're reading, and it is totaily awesome.  It has tons of funny moments, and lots of blood n' gore. 
Well, I guess that pretty much does it for this week, c ya next week!

Weekly Update(finals edition)

Well, today was the last day of my finals for 1st simester.  I think I did okay, but i probabily did really bad.  My last final i had today was math, and the first 10 questions i answered on the test were C.  That's seriously what i got, but i know that's wrong.
I just restored my computer today, cuz i had some kind of virus that was sucking the life out of my internet speed, and my ping was down to a person with 28k dial up.  You may notice the new banner, I like it, except i forgot to anticipate the tabs at the bottom left, so now I have to move the text, that's gonna take a while probabily.
24!!!!  that's right baby, the 5th of 24 started, and boy was I excited.  It's about friggin time, one of the hardest things i've done was wait for that show to start.
Get Worms Armageddon.  I just got it two days ago for PC, and boy does that game pwn. 
Well that about wraps it up for me this week, feel free to PM me, or leave comments.

weekly update....?

I'm gonna try something new here.  Since it has been about 4 months since my last blog, to keep me blogging, i'm gonna try a weekly update in my blog, but we'll see how long that lasts.

I got my "Convival" emblime today, So apairently i'm good company.  Right now i'm in a bet with my dad, where if I play no videogames for one month, and get my grades up, I get an xbox 360, plus $500...yeah, i know it sounds kinda nuts, but I just purchased a brand new $6000 oboe, and I'm paying for 1/3 of it.($2000)  So, If i win the bet, my dad is gonna put $500 back into my account, and then buy me an xbox.  I'd say its worth it, considering the only game I really play is CS:S.  Plus i'm all pooped out after the crazy lan parties and gaming I did over winter break.  Anyway, that's mostly it over here in chicago.  chow chow for now.

college bound?

I play the oboe.(its a musical instrument) and i'm really good at it. anyway, every saturday from 10Am to 3 pm, i play in this orchestra, and after the orchestara at 3:30 i played in a master class for a woodwind quartet from the University of Illinois at Champaign/Urbana. After our quintet played, the oboest of the quartet(guy who commented on us) came up to me and gave me his card and said If i had any questions to call him.

So pretty much, i'm being recruted by the U of I at the beginning of my Juinor. anyway, i'm psyched.
24 days until Xbox 360 and

Another boreing day

yep, did nothing. Went to school, came back and just sittin around. Still fantasizeing over how my computer is gonna be after my sick up grades, but thats still a ways away. I updated my banner, to tone down the system of a down theme, and more on the halo and counter strike, since this is a video game website.

35 days until Xbox 360 and

Working on PC upgrades

I'm gettin a job working as a vendor at wrigly field next season, and usuaily on a bad day make around $70. and I figure w/ that kind of money, I can bulk up my pc. I'm definetly gonna up grade my card from a GeForce 5500. and ram. And i'll go from there. who knows, then maybe i'm done, and i'll spend the rest on food.

36 days until Xbox 360 and

also plan on changing the banner a little.  Too much soad theme.  but they are sweet.  Probabily gonna add either Halo 2 or cs:s theme