ApriI 10th
It was on this date that Paul McCartney announced that the Beatles have broke up.
ApriI 10th
It was on this date that Paul McCartney announced that the Beatles have broke up.
I'd like to tell everyone a story about why my nickname is Big-Head. When I was a baby I had, well, a big head. My mom was worried so she took me to the doctor. She never got any results for two weeks. However, in the end it turns out I just had a big head.
The End
I'm starting to do my own banners with this Macromedia Fireworks thing. It's pretty cool. The one I have now isn't to great haha, but I'm working on some now that are pretty nice. I have a hard time keeping my banners under the 50 KB maximum. If you have any suggestions or comments just reply.
On April 4th, 2006, 2 minutes and 3 seconds after 1:00 would make it the 1st hour, the 2nd minute, the 3rd second on the 4th day of the 5th month of the 6th year. Won't happen again for another 1000 years.
Just thought I'd put this because It's cool and so I'd remember (haha).
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