Since PS3 and Wii released PC has been absolutely slaughtered when it comes to Gamespots Best Graphics awards. In fact Crysis is the only PC Game series to ever win Gamespots Best Technical Graphics Award. 2006 Technical: Gears of War Artistic: Okami 2007 Technical: Crysis Artistic: Super Mario Galaxy 2008 Technical: MGS4 Artistic: Valkyria Chronicles 2009 Technical: Uncharted 2 Artistic Muramasa 2010 Technical: God of War 3 Artistic: Mass Effect 2 2011 Technical: Crysis 2 Artistic: Alice Madness ReturnsGioVela2010
ROFL, because Gears, Crysis, Crysis 2, Mass Effect 2, and Alice aren't ALL on PC with better graphics by a mile. Nice try.
So you have slightly better graphics and you have the odd sale or two. But it doesn't make you superior stop letting that little power go to your heads it's sad. I and most consolities chose to have a console over a PC money isn't an issue, we just have more money sense then you man.Fear-
No one ever said they aresuperior anyone else, the system is superior to a console system in every possible way though. But I like how you go and try to claim you have superior money sense. Nice hypocrisy there:lol:
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