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How Not To Be Seen

My last post was a while back. Months, I think. As you can tell, I don't really keep up with my blog on a regular basis. I should, though. Maybe writing down the things that have been going on in my life would be therapeutic, but that's a topic for another therapy session, preferably with a good doctor and one of those long couches you see them using in the movies. I think that would be quite interesting. Yes, quite interesting indeed.

New line - let's talk God of War II. Yes, that game. The one that kicks so much booty? You familiar with that one? Yes? I thought so. So far, I'm loving it. I haven't completed the game yet; completing it so quickly would be akin to eating the whole pie in one sitting. Sure, it can be done, but should be savored like a fine wine, or good food, or some junk like that. Besides, I was finding myself unwilling to stop playing even when the little hand on the clock was pointing to the four and I had to be at work at eight. I think my first post talked about sleep deprivation. It's the same thing all over again. Ok, back to GoW (not to be confused with GOW, that diamond of a 360 game that not so nonchalantly stole the initials). It feels good to play a game with a compelling storyline. So many times I've played games with excellent mechanics and absolutely no soul, and I've played games with tons of characters and the worst gameplay this side of Superman 64. It does my heart good to see a developer get a game right. God of War II is rock solid, through and through. I'm about halfway through at this point. Maybe I'll write up a review when I'm finished with it. That's the sad part, though... knowing that at some point in the future I will come to the end of another great game, and I'll have to go back to WoW again. Damn you Blizzard, damn you.

Confessions of a Lurker

Haven't really been around for a while.  I poke in and out of the forums from time to time, but nothing really piques my interests anymore.  I'm still in the throes of my hard-core addiction to WOW, to the point of missing a good portion of sleep on a daily basis to squeeze in an extra hour or two of playing time.  Christmas is fast approaching... almost too fast for my tastes.  I guess I'm experiencing the effects of age-related loss of time sensitivity.  I still feel young, act young, heck even think young from time to time, but I'm quickly approaching my mid-thirties and my body's beginning to tell the tale.  However, no matter what my age, I'm still G4L (gamer for life).
I've recently been enamored with Guitar Heroes.  Something about that game strikes the latent rock star within me.  I guess always wanting to learn to play the guitar has somethimg to do with it also.  Hopefully Santa got my list and I'll find a nice surprise for me under the tree on Christmas morn. 
In the Mindwipe department, there still hasn't been any progress made finishing the story.  I've been thinking about what direction to take the plot next, but nothing has really stood out to me as of yet.  I promise to at least post another paragraph before the sun explodes.  More than that is anybody's guess.
Well, it's back into the shadows for me.  TTYL.

Blizzard is Evil

Yes, I said it, I don't regret it.  They are underhanded and sneaky people who prey on the souls of the PC gamer.  They *knew* I was on the fence about World of Warcraft, so they, in their twisted little minds, devised a foolproof scheme in which to snare me in their web of addiction...  the $1.99 14-Day Trial DVD.  Yes, that vile disc literally sung to me as I browsed the aisles of Best Buy (heretofore to be know as BEAST Buy).  My guts quivered at the sight of it.  Two dollars? For the FULL version of WOW?  No frugal gamer could pass this up.  With a smile I skipped gleefully to the checkout and laid down a day's wages for a slim cardboard sleeve containing the roots of a powerful addiction nearly no man can resist.  Like a dealer on the corner, they let me have the first hit for free.  I was hooked like a big-mouth bass on line of my uncle's fishing rod.  I found myself thinking about things like power leveling and increasing my engineering skills while at work, at lunch, and heck, even in the bathroom.  And then that 14th day came.  No more WOW.  I went racing back to the dealer on the corner like a junkie on the edge of withdrawal.  Of course, this time I'd have to dish out some ducats.  Twenty to be exact, plus an additional 15 every month.  I gladly forked over the cash.  When I returned home, I went into my den, rolled up my sleeve, and pushed the plunger down.  My eyes glazed over and I've been fiending ever since.  Matter of fact, I've jonesing as we speak.  Shut up talking to me!  I've got WOW to play.

Completion of the Throne Room

Finally!  I've gotten my wife and I completely moved in to our new place.  Now the hard part begins... unpacking.  I mean, seriously... I packed my entire life up to move five miles down the road (to a better place, mind you) and now it'll take me probably three months to regain some semblance of organization.  But, of course, none of that matters since my Chamber of Electronics has been completed.  My PC's returned to operational status, despite the tragic loss of my router.  Mental Note:  Next time, verify the power supply you're using is actually the CORRECT one.  Otherwise, the magic smoke will escape the equipment. I'm back on-line at home, so I can quit slacking off on the Internet at work.  My consoles have been set up for action;  the surround sound is a go.  Now, I just need to find some time to enjoy it all.  Seems my wife is more interested in decorating the house than letting me engage my imagination for 8 or 9 hours.  Pffft, women.

Real-World Observations of the Law of Closet Space

It's true:  you never know how much stuff you have until you have to move it all.  I'm in the middle of packing up to move to a bigger place, and I can tell you right now that IT SUCKS.  I swear to you, I'm finding stuff that I don't ever remember having in the first place.  It's like evil gnomes have been secretly adding crap in all my closets.  I've packed enough stuff to furnish a mid-size office building, and it still seems like I haven't even started.

The Law Of Closet Space:  As closet (or storage) space increases, so does the amount of items occupying it;  ergo, the more room you have, the more stuff you find to fill it.

I really hate moving, but the end result is more space for me and my wife. And my games.  And books.  And music.  And... crap, I think I need a bigger place.

Jet Lag is Not My Friend

I find myself on the opposite side of the part of the planet on which I live.  My job requires me to travel frequently to distant lands, many times on short notice.  I received the word on Tuesday that I would be travelling to Guam on Wednesday.  Oh goody.  I've never been to Guam, which is exciting to me because I love visiting foreign lands.  What was not exciting was the length of the flight.  Because it was such short notice, I had to take a non-direct flight which took me through Tokyo.  I started from my home airport in VA at 06:30 on Wednesday.  I arrived in Guam at 20:45 on Thursday, weary, half-starved, dehydrated, and semi-comatose.  But was that flight worth it?  Aside from having to work while I'm here, I'm staying in a resort hotel in an island paradise.  I'll get used to it.  Quickly.

Rumors of my death have been slightly overstated

It's been a while since my last post.  I'm still putting pen to paper (finger to keyboard, at least) in an effort to add something decent to the Mindwipe story post.  I've had a lot of interesting thoughts on what direction to take the story in, but work and life-in-general has been interfering with the actual writing down of these thoughts.  Never fear, I promise to finish the story before the end of the year.

Still not impressed with the union discussion boards.  Most people either aren't posting at all, or are posting pedestrian topics.  Maybe it's me... maybe I'm just getting old.  These young kids today, I tellya.

New Mindwipe post in the works & other thoughts

For the faithful few (God bless both of you) reading my short story post, never fear.  The next part is in the works.

As for the other thoughts, I've been wanting to post more on the union boards, but most of the topics I run across are either too one-dimensional, too childish, or too incindiary.  I haven't seen any really *good* discussions going on.  A lot of times, a good topic seems to devolve into a low-heat flame war between a couple or three posters.  That's why I'm hoping that the revival of the Mature Gamers Union is a success.  If you're mature (I mean *really* mature, not just think that you are) come and commune with your fellow mature persons.  Tell 'em BigDeebo sent ya.

Mindwipe (Part Two)

I wake up in a small room. The brilliant white walls are nearly blinding at first, but my eyes adjust. I am in a bed, one of the most comfortable I’ve ever been in, I must say. I attempt to sit up. The unbearable pounding in my skull forces me back down. From my position I can see a table beside my bed, a set of clothes folded neatly on the far edge. A metal platter full of odd instruments lies on the edge closest to me. I see something that looks like a scalpel, but much larger. Something else that resembles a pair of surgical pliers lies next to the oversized instrument. It looks stained with... blood. My blood? What the hell is going on here? I gather enough strength to lift my right arm from the bed. I touch my hand to my head. What the...? I feel cloth where my hair should be. I touch the top of my head. Pain washes over me like a tidal wave. I feel the urge to cry out, but I suppress it. What has happened to me? Why am I here? I struggle to remember, but I cannot recall anything beyond this room. It is as if my whole existence began the minute I opened my eyes in this place. This is insane. I know I’ve never been here before, but this room is all I can remember. I am still attempting to rationalize my situation when the door slides open.

A young woman wearing white casually walks into the room; the door sliding shut behind her. She walks to the wall opposite the entrance and taps a black glass panel beside my bed. The panel illuminates with a display of some information; the status of my condition, I suppose. I hear beeping and more tapping, the woman standing in silence before the panel. A final tap, and the display goes blank. She pulls a chair close to me and sits down. I can see an ID tag clipped to the right pocket on her uniform. The name beneath the picture reads "HIRGENET, JANIS R." An abbreviation is beside the name: I.M.T.

"How are you feeling today, Len?"

Why is she calling me Len? My name is... is... what is my name?

"Myaaaaauuuhhhhggg." I try to speak, but my mouth seems to have other intentions.

"Don’t try too hard. You will recover with time. The main thing is that you’re alive." She touches her delicate hand to my chest. It feels warm and familiar somehow. She seems deeply concerned. I can see it in her eyes; a smile hiding her worry. Does she worry about me, I wonder? It seems to go much deeper than I can see.

She leans close to me, her face coming fully into focus. The feeling of familiarity is stronger now. I know this woman, but I can remember nothing about her. I struggle to recall anything I can about her, but my memories are like smoke through my fingers. Attempting to recall anything seems futile.

"How do you feel?" The smile on her face slowly fades.

"I...I... feeeeel baaddd." It takes a monumental effort to force the words out.

"You feel well enough to speak. That in itself is something to be happy about."


"Rest. Don’t tire yourself out trying to talk. The pain will subside, but it’ll take time. It’s just lucky you were brought to us in time."

My head spins as I try to factor out her statement. Brought where? By whom? I have to try to talk. These questions banging around in my wounded head could be more detrimental than me straining to speak. What in the hell happened to me?

"Wherrrreammiiii...." My voice fails as the words stumble from my mouth.

"For now, all you need to know is that you’re safe. The answers will come, but now you need to let your mind rest. You’ve come a long way, but you still have a long way to go. Rest now."

I build myself up to mount a retort when she stands and taps the black panel once again. Immediately the need to sleep comes upon me. Unable to even imagine resisting its effect on me, I close my eyes and promptly slip into unconsciousness.

Mindwipe (Part One)

"What do you know of Death," the stranger asks, his face fixed with the strangest of expressions. I stand dumbfounded, not expecting such profound words to exit a mouth with so little teeth.

"Excuse me?" I can think of nothing else to say.

"Death! What do you know of him?" His expression growing ever darker, he presses a filthy hand on my shoulder.

"What?! I don’t know what you’re..."

My collar tightens around my neck as the stranger clutches the front my shirt and draws me closer to his haggard face. His emaciated form belies the strength that I feel in his hands. His sunken eyes glare directly through me. It’s as if he sees another in my place.

"Don’t lie to me, Shadow! You may be able to fool two eyes, but not the third! The third sees all! Tell me of the Dark One now!!" His foul breath nearly gags me.

I drop my briefcase and push the stranger back with both hands. Not a shove, but enough to put distance between my face and his. His wasted legs buckle and he falls to the sidewalk, his eyes wide with surprise. Clearly he was not expecting this.

"Don’t touch me again, old man," I exclaim. "I don’t know who you are or what you’re talking about! I’ve got things..."

"Say what you will, Shadow! I will not let it happen again!" He points a bony finger toward me.

"What are you tal...." A flash of light, then nothing.


I feel nothing. I see nothing. I am nothing.

I am Nowhere.

I feel consciousness return slowly. I am aware, but only of myself. I can neither see, nor hear, nor feel.  I think I may be dead.

"This is not Death".

The voice seems to come from everywhere at the same time. I attempt to respond but I cannot speak. I struggle to clear my mind, but it is as if I no longer control my own thoughts.

"You are inside the Shadow, young one. You are inside me."

"WHO ARE YOU," I shout soundlessly. The sheer amount of willpower it takes breaks my hold on consciousness and I fade, not knowing if I will ever return.

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