Blizzard is Evil
by BigDeebo on Comments
Yes, I said it, I don't regret it. They are underhanded and sneaky people who prey on the souls of the PC gamer. They *knew* I was on the fence about World of Warcraft, so they, in their twisted little minds, devised a foolproof scheme in which to snare me in their web of addiction... the $1.99 14-Day Trial DVD. Yes, that vile disc literally sung to me as I browsed the aisles of Best Buy (heretofore to be know as BEAST Buy). My guts quivered at the sight of it. Two dollars? For the FULL version of WOW? No frugal gamer could pass this up. With a smile I skipped gleefully to the checkout and laid down a day's wages for a slim cardboard sleeve containing the roots of a powerful addiction nearly no man can resist. Like a dealer on the corner, they let me have the first hit for free. I was hooked like a big-mouth bass on line of my uncle's fishing rod. I found myself thinking about things like power leveling and increasing my engineering skills while at work, at lunch, and heck, even in the bathroom. And then that 14th day came. No more WOW. I went racing back to the dealer on the corner like a junkie on the edge of withdrawal. Of course, this time I'd have to dish out some ducats. Twenty to be exact, plus an additional 15 every month. I gladly forked over the cash. When I returned home, I went into my den, rolled up my sleeve, and pushed the plunger down. My eyes glazed over and I've been fiending ever since. Matter of fact, I've jonesing as we speak. Shut up talking to me! I've got WOW to play.