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BigWorld41 Blog

Freedom Fighters 2?

Ok so I don't know if anyone will read this but if you do, you are cool. So right now the Kane and Lynch Player reviews are disabled, Jeff is alleged fired... the entire gaming internet is ablaze. I am not going to speak on matters to which I don't know. Let me first start by saying, that there were a lot of folks who were really looking forward to this game. It was being dubbed as the spiritual successor to Freedom Fighters, which if you haven't played was a fantastic game. The game was hyped here, ign, g4, gametrailers, gametab you name it, the trailer in particular where they take a pot shot at GTA 4 another game that is destined to either live up to the hype, or be crushed horribly from above. (But I am pretty sure that we are safe with that one)

So it is not a terrible game. It is definitely not Freedom Fighters 2, or even the spiritual successor. The controls are wonky, the cover system is flawed( For cover system notes please study R6 Vegas, Spinter Cell, and Gears which are some of the most prime examples) The cover system should be trigger button hold activated (or in some cases thumb stick click in) so you always, always know when and have control over when you cover. The hit detection is all kinds of messed up, still I did have some fun playing through the title. What is up with the lack of music throughout most of the game, Jasper did a fantastic job with Freedom Fighters. But no, it was not the drop dead squad based combat extravaganza that we were all hyped up to expect. Herein lies the problem, don't talk the talk if you can't walk the walk. Now if only these guys had taken less time hyping the game up, creating trailers which take pot shots at GTA and composing a massive full webpage spread ad campaing, and pumped some of that money and time into designing the game, it wouldn't get the backlash that it seems to deserve.

Bigworld... out


So I still want to post my collection stats. But It will take a long long time, the count was at 185 last time I checked. But it wasn't nearly finished. Sooo.... I figured... hey, I will do my own top ten. Or rather top tens. Look forward to them soon. One of these days, the Vault will be up here in it's entirety. Till that time I will continue to post the games that I am currently playing. If anyone actually cares if I have a game, just ask:) It would be a great conversation. I look forward to chatting about games with people!

Bigworld's PAX 07 Report.

As a gamer, Seattlite, and industry player I have enjoyed going to PAX. Its great to have a convention that is so close, and affordable. Kane and Lynch was what stole the show for me. It is Freedom Fighters, reborn. Haze looks pretty neat. I had a to wait a good time for Metroid, but it was worth it. I feel the Wii mote really lends itself to MPs gameplay. Midnight Club was freaking sweet, I am very glad that Club is back. I spent some good time with Rock Bands drum kit, that is the particular reason I am looking forward to this game.

I stopped by for Dark Sector, got my hands on Heavenly Sword and Lair. There were a lot of absentee games, that would have been great to try out. All in all it was a good time. I am working my way through Bioshock as most people are. I will post a review for it after completion.

"Hurry Mr. B, Kill him, Kill him!!"

Rather then posting my actual collection, which will take a deal of time, I will post what I am currently playing. Right now it is Bioshock, next week comes Stranglehold. And those bastards at game crazy never called me about my Persona preorder!

All non believers stand aside in fear...

Played the Stranglehold demo last night. It was fantastic, just what I need in a game right now. Its simple in design, but great in execution. Sure, there are some camera issues, but it is just a blast to play. It is getting closer, and Bioshock... you shall be mine.