About 2 months ago i lost my PS2 aficionadoemblem, and yesterday i got a hella-old school emblem. And now today Thats gone aswell!! nothings changed in my games collection or tracked games so apart from a glitch i dont know WTF's going on!
Big_Boss0715's forum posts
so hard to choose. From what ive played rescently though Metal gear solid and chilli con carnage. You can always trust metal gear to include the right epic music at the right time especially in MGS3 when your climbing the 10 minute boring ladder and Kojima throws in the theme tune, GENIUS. Best music from it is either the music from MGS1 when meyrl dies on top of metal gear (i think the songs called enclosure), the MGS2 or MGS3 theme. The Mgs3 theme plus the opening movie always reminds me of James Bond for some reason lolz :):?.
And Chilli con carnage and Total Overdose, the best thing you can get from a game is when your bouncing off walls blowing head apart with two M16s when all of a sudden a great band like molotov or delinquent habits kicks in. genius again.
One more point, Vice city. Ever since i played it when i was like 10 ive been hooked on retro stuff an my lifes been better for it lol. ThankYOU Rockstar! :D
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