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#1 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

Microsoft hasn't really done anything for the VGA's ever before, I don't see why they'd start this year. That really isn't a red flag, just consistent with their past track record. Despite the VGA's being the only televised video game awards show, it holds little relevence within the gaming industry. Gamers and journalists know the show itself is a joke in terms the of the nominations and winners, and nobody else really pays attention to it. Most people just watch the 15-30 sec. teaser trailers online an hour after their WORLD EXCLUSIVE DEBUT (OMG!!!) on the VGA's anyway. You are overhyping the significance of the show. Despite bashing it however, I have to admit I will probably watch it anyway. Stupid annoying Geoff Keighley and his elf magic.

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#2 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

Well I think its pretty easy to see the PS3 has the better exclusive list for 2011 at the moment. There will be something for everyone as far as exclusives on the PS3 go next year. That being said, the only ones I will be picking up for certain are The Last Guardian, Uncharted 3, and Socom 4. Killzone 3 I will pass on probably (just not a fan and prefer the Resistance franchise), LBP2 looks neat but again not for me, and the first Infamous didn't really do much for me but Infamous 2 does actually look like a huge improvement so I can see myself picking it up potentially. Hopefully we will see Resistance 3 also, but I can see that getting pushed to spring next year since Sony will probably be pushing Last Guardian and Uncharted 3 during the holiday.

Despite that impressive list from Sony, my most anticipated game is Gears 3, so if Microsoft announces a few other exclusives for 2011 I think the console exclusive battle will be pretty close (at least for me). The Japanese developed Kinect titles sound like they could add a lot to Microsoft's 2011 lineup and odds are a new Forza is on the way (can't wait). Codenamed: Kingdoms from Crytek could be a great new franchise, we just don't know yet. We know Remedy is working on an AAA 360 title (hopefully Alan Wake related and hopefully next year) and Project Gotham rumors have been floating around also. 343 might even be releasing a Halo: CE remake in 2011. A lot of unknowns for the 360, but we certainly haven't seen all the exclusives coming in 2011 yet from Microsoft.

Sony is definitely winning the exclusive battle right now I think, but a lot could change by the end of next year as Microsoft tends not to talk about all their exclusives until they are ready to come out (not to mention they usually aren't delayed as much). Some great games on the way though no doubt from Sony.

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#3 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

I have enjoyed Dragon Age the most out of those. However, I haven't gotten to play much AC2 yet. Left 4 Dead 2 is awesome, but Dragon Age is just a much more "complete" experience. I can play it for hours upon hours, where as I can only play a campaign or two of Left 4 Dead 2 at a time. A great November no matter how you slice it.

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#4 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

I still think I enjoyed Oblivion more than any other game on that list. There have been a lot of great RPGs on the 360 so far, that is certain. I would have also put Fable 2 on that list. I have sunken a large chunk of my time into all of those games.

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#5 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

"Bam!" said the lady

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#6 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

Like everyone has been saying there are pros and cons of each system. Right now I play my 360 way more than my PS3. That is because my PC is pretty old, I dig the online community, more of my friends own 360s, and I prefer the multiplayer games on 360 (Halo, Gears, Left 4 Dead, etc.). That does not mean I don't enjoy my PS3 a great deal. I loved going through Uncharted 2 and having a Blu ray player is extremely nice. If I didn't prefer Live to PSN and my friends were on PS3 I would probably buy more multiplats for it, but that isn't the case. I have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of both systems and I encourage people to own both if they have the time and money.

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#7 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

I have been shaking my head since they announced 256 players. Seriously? That is your selling point? Size does not make a game fun to play and there are many examples of this. Take Gears for instance. 5 vs. 5 and it is absolutely least when you don't get in an extremely laggy room. I have tried playing, and sheer size does not make it better than the Halo's and Call of Duty's out currently. The Bad Company 2 beta is much more fun.

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#8 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

Does anyone have any advice for when the 360 doesn't recognize discs? My brother's xbox is having this problem. He puts a disc in, but then it just acts like there isn't anything there. So it says "open tray" rather than the game name on the dashboard. Thanks for any help, we appreciate it. I think he's probably just screwed since he is past warranty.

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#9 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

I was actually shocked to find myself enjoying the game as much as I was. It is fantastic, so glad I bought it.

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#10 Big_Boss465
Member since 2007 • 834 Posts

I have enjoyed my short time with the beta so far. At the same made me just want to go and play some 1943 on 360 with friends. Game should be tight though, I'm going to go sink some more time into it tonight.