sorry i haven't been on in awhile, but i've been having internet problems at home. after school got out my step father moved back in, and he got priority on the modem, and awhile later i had to call bellsouth so that i could get a home network set up so me and my brother could have the internet using the wireless configuration. the wireless is pretty unpredictable, with more times that it doesn't want to work than i can count, especially on stormy days or even cloudy days (of course, i usually turn my comp off when there are storms b/c i don't have a surge protector good enough to protect my comp against lightning and lightning has caused power outages, phone outages, and the cable to go out quite frequently where i'm at). i'm suprised that the internet even allowed me to get on here now, since when i tried (several times) before it wouldn't connect to the site for some reason.
well, enough about my ranting, how is everyone?
i have a friend who is moving to japan for a job and invited me and my brother to come, but the only way i'd be able to go is if i could find a school there that would let me transfer in, and i don't know where to search to find info for that. then there is the plane ticket price, which is pretty expensive, but right now my priority is finding info on how i can transfer over there, so if anyone here has info on that, i'd be happy if you could share it with me.
well, i'll try to connect back here in a couple of days to see if i can get back on and if anyone's responded, so talk to you guys/girls later.