Big_Will / Member

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new game called tag it :P

it's from posters over at, and ma1236 tagged me, so now i'm going to list some things about me, and then i'll tag 3 other ppl. (once your tagged, you list several things about yourself, and then tag 3 other ppl to do the same thing).

let's see, i'll do 10:

1) i don't lie very often (if any at all), and if i did i would feel so bad that depending on what it was i might confess about it (unless it was a life or death situation).

2) i love anime, manga, and video games more than anything else, but don't usually have the money to get them, so i have a big wishlist for each. my game wishlist is on ign under the name matrix002, but it hasn't been updated for about 3-6 months.

3) i have a younger brother who is in high school, and a baby sister who is in elementary school. my bro doesn't like talking to me unless he wants something or needs help with something.

4) i have one of the worst memories, so if anyone asks me to remember something, i usually can't remember it.

5) whenever some type of paper comes into my room, it never comes out (other stuff as well, it just seems to disappear and i can't find it).

6) a lot of ppl either mistake me or my brother for each other, or say that we look a lot alike, which my brother really hates.

7) i'm 21 right now, but everyone who sees me (when i shave my chin) says that i look like i'm 15 :lol:

8) when i was 4 or 5, i had an accident in which someone thru a brick and hit me in the middle of my forehead (still haven't figured out who did it) while i was at daycare during a field day, and to this day my family still doesn't know if that affected me somehow or not (i have a scar there and my skull has a dent in that spot).

9) one of my other favorite things besides anime, manga, and videogames is to come onto gamespot and talk to my friends here :P

10) i would really like to go to japan, learn their culture and language, and also how to cook their type of foods (i love to cook :D )

ok, let me see, three other ppl to tag (i just hope you haven't been tagged yet)... sakura haruno 21, i know you'll have some interesting stuff; mel312, i like to hear about you some too :P; hintaki, who just got her union up and running (she should have some stuff to talk about too :); misfit, can't wait to her some things from you (and try to cheer up); kenshingirl, would you ming sharing?

(i know, i said i'd tag three, but i have so many friends that i couldn't just do three. i had a hard enough time choosing only 5).

hintaki just created a union for anyone who's interested. it's called the VengeSry union, and it was just created :P if anyone can join please do.

oh, and anyone who says it's spamming and that we'll get into trouble should go here:

a mod in the post (pg 3) states that it isn't spamming and that no one has gotten in trouble for it.