Will look into Heroes of might and magic but i cant find Chrono trigger for PC thought it was only for playstationAnyone know any others?
hmm not so much into rpgs like that unless they are similar to the final fantasy series or turn basedAlso i just want a good fps game besides bioshock since i will be getting that in a couple of daysANyone know any pc rpg's that are turn based?Oh yea and grades shouldnt be a problem
I will be leaving for college soon. what are some good games to get? I want something like serious sam,call of duty, F.E.A.R style like first person shooter or action like prince of persiaAnyone know of any?
Does anyone know a good RPG game similar to Final fantasy 7 or 8 for PC??thanksOr any rpg game that is turn based for pc?
Hi guys i will be going to college soon and was wondering if there was a pc montior that allowed me to play my 360 and ps2.I currently have a 226bw but am thinking about returning it and buying a monitor with an hdmi port in it for my elite.Anyone have any ideas?
Well i have a 360 elite and currently a Samsung 226bwhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824001096&Tpk=226bwIm wondering if i should return that monitor and buy something for cheaper like this because it has an HDMI port. Or if anyone knows a great gaming lcd monitor that can be used for my 360(im going to college and need this for dorming)http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254020ORhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824254024thanks
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