Well, my day just got shot down. Hell, my whole week did! Not more than five minutes ago, my parents tell me I can't keep my XBOX where it was, and they tell me how I must spend my hard-earned cash. My mother especially came right out and said it. Perhaps a rundown of the different reasons why I had the Box in there might help.
- The XBOX has DVD capabilities. She buys a DVD player to replace it.
- The XBOX was where it was because of the space that was available. I must now have the Box in my room, which can barely hold all of my stuff as it is.
- The XBOX was in a place it could not be damaged by the temperatures. It hits ninety degrees Fahrenheit from March to October. Consistently!
- The XBOX was in a place it could receive adequate ventilation. Behind my TV in a corner of the room is where it now resides.
At least they're building a couple of additions to the house. I'll be saving up some cash to put a big TV in one so the Box can get out of my room. Let's see how THEY squirm when I spend the money on something THEY want. Hell, I'll even put my New PC budget to that very project.
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