BillyRayCirus' forum posts
1.Need to let me fight the Brumack.
2. Matchmaking
3. Mute button
and then it will be perfect, oh and change the name of the Hammer of Dawn to The Sun Beam. Perfection
it's totally legal, if you can't kill the guy that has his chainsaw in front of you then you deserve to die for your pure sukage.
BUT, it's illegal if you use chainsaw glitch, from behind(I mean come on use a shotgun), or if all of your kills are chainsaw
That could be the dumdest thing I have ever heard. I'm with you on the Glitch that is just wrong, but how the hell can you not do it when someone is not looking. Thats half the fun of it. Hell If ever kill you have comes from chainsawing then more power to you. Not from behind is just dumb. That is like me saying don't snipe while my back is turn or no beatdowns with the pistol. the Way I see it (as most do) is that if it's in the game it's all good. Just be ready when I take you head off after your done.
Halo 3 will be a rental. No more no less.JohnWinger
That's because your broke right? Cause if not then maybe you own the wrong system. Halo Made Xbox plain and simple
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