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Billy_12 Blog

It's been a while...

Hey Gamespot, thought I'd write a blog since I haven't made one in quite some time.

As you may have noticed, I haven't been on the site for a while, or at least not very much.Well, to put it simply, I just kind of lost interest in the site for a bit. I'm not too sure why, I just kind of lost interest in video games for a while and became a lot more socially preoccupied with friends and what not. For the last few months or so, I've only been on the website to check reviews and stuff, but I'll probably be on quite a bit more lately making new text blogs every once in a while and keeping you guys updated on what's been happening with me as far as gaming is concerned.

So that aside, let me fill you in on my gaming. Well, I just recently got Yoshi's Island for the Gba, which is turning out to be a really good platformer. I just cant seem to put it down. I hadn't played my gameboy for a while, and the game was pretty cheap, so I decided to pick up a copy. Anyone looking for a fun and portable platformer should definitely go and get this game. I also got a second game today for my DS...Pokemon Diamond Version. Haha, I know, I'm just that cool.8)

Originally, I wasn't too excited for this game. My initial thought after hearing about its upcoming release was: "Okay great, another Pokemon game for all the little children to go crazy about". But, after reading the positive reviews for the game, I felt the need to go buy it. I always found the pokemon games to be a lot of fun when I was younger, and thought: "Hey, I kinda wanna play pokemon again". And that was that.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, and as always please feel free to leave comments.:D

God. Hero. Hunter. Savior.

   Guess what game I bought today? As you may have guessed by reading the title, I just got my hands on a copy of Okami. I've only played through about 2 hours of the game so far, but I already know I'm in for an awesome adventure. 

   From what I've seen so far, this game is basically perfect from a visual standpoint. There is definitely a unique sense of style to the environments you explore in the game. There isn't much more I can's something that you should experience yourself, rather than have someone describe it for you.:P

   Gameplay is also turning out to be great. The controls are fairly simple, and the learning curve to this game is minimal. I love the paintbrush mechanic. It's really cool to be able to use your character's powers by drawing lines and symbols. For example, you can easily take down some of your enemies using the square button, but it's much cooler and more stylish to use the paintbrush in situations where you're faced with multiple enemies.

   The audio aspect of this game is also very well done. The music really helps to create the appropriate atmosphere for this game. The only thing that might have helped would have been voice acting, though I don't really care too much about the fact that I have to read the dialogue.

   Overall, this is turning out to be a really fun game. After hearing all the praise for this game, and being very interested in the title myself, I knew that I needed to add it to my collection. So if you're looking for a great adventure game on the ps2, or just a general must-have kind of title, you should give this game a shot.

That's basically it, gamespot. Hope you enjoyed reading my initial impressions of the game, and I hope you all have a fun and gaming-filled weekend.:D


2 New Games!

Well, I just recently bought two new games for my ps2, and thought I'd give my initial impressions on the both of them.

1) Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

   Wow, this game is amazing. Now, I'm sure you've all heard that statement a countless number of times beforehand, but it's true. Great storyline, memorable characters, plenty of action...basically, it's all you'd hope to find in a video game. I won't go too much into detail, though. I can leave that for my final review of the game. Don't expect to see that soon though. I plan to finish the game first, and at this rate, I'll have to play for at least another 50 hours or so before I can complete the game. If you own a ps2 and don't already have this game, what are you waiting for? Go out and buy this game! Better yet, buy the GTA trilogy if you don't already have the other two titles in this series!

2) Marc Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure                                                                                        

   I'm really feeling this game so far. It's basically an action/adventure game in which you go around tagging surfaces with graffiti, beating up bad guys/ rival gangs in the city of "New Radius", which is sort of like a futurstic version of New York City. Now based on my description, it may not sound like the coolest game, but it's actually really good. The controls are fairly good and not too complex, which makes the game a lot easier to get into. The story is actually turning out to be pretty decent as well. One statement I can make that will not change based on further impressions of this game is how unique it is. It's not everyday that you see a game which revolves around the art of graffiti. Anyways, you should definitely pick this one up if you're interested.

   So, those would be my intial impressions/ opinions on GTA: San Andreas, and Marc Ecko's Getting Up. Hope this blog was helpful to anyone interested in picking up a copy of either these games, and I hope to be writing more impressions and game reviews in the near future. Thanks for reading!

Christmas Is Over...

   Well, as the title indicates, Christmas is indeed over. For me, it was pretty good this year, but it always seems as though it is progressively losing its magical feeling as time moves on. I guess that's to be expected though.

   Anyways, as far as presents go, I mostly just received money. Even though money isn't the most personal or thoughtful gift in the world, it's much better than unwanted gifts (eg. socks and underwear). Now what, you ask, did I buy with this money? Well, since none of the stores in my area had the Wii in stock, I went with my second choice. The psp! Now, some of you may not think that this was the best choice on my part, but I'm actually really enjoying playing with my new handheld system. Graphics are actually much better than I expected them to be (basically just scaled down ps2 graphics), and though there aren't a huge amount of amazing/standout titles available for it, I'm having quite a bit of fun playing the few good titles out there for this system.

   Other than my new purchase, there hasn't been too much going on that's worth talking about. I've been playing a bit of Daxter (which is turning out to be a really great game), some Bully here and there, and some other titles which can be found on my "now playing" list. Oh, I almost forgot to add that LOLhahaDEAD has just created a new Indie Music union. So, if you're interested in the whole Indie music scene, please join!

Okay, that's basically all I have to say...later, gamespot!




Back In Black.

    Hey guys, I'm back! Well, not really. I just haven't written a blog in a while, so I thought I'd fill you guys in on what's been happening in my world...

    To start off with, I've recently started training in a certain form of martial arts or self-defense, commonly known as Taek-won-do. It's actually pretty cool. I've been doing it since the beginning of  October, and I've already advanced to a yellow-stripe belt after testing a while ago. As part of the testing, I had to kick through a block of wood, which is actually a lot easier than it looks.

    But anyways, on to a different subject, which is probably of more interest to you guys...yeah, you guessed it, gaming. It's actually been quite a while since I've had the chance to just sit down and play some of my games. I have been playing a bit of Bully lately, but I made the mistake of overwriting my file with my sister's, so I had to start over. It sucked. Just today though, I went back and played some of the other games in my collection that I never had the chance to finish, or the ones that I lost interest in for a while. Like God of War, for example. It's an awesome game, so I'm probably going to put some time in and finish it this weekend. I might even write a review for it, who knows...

    As for games I want to get in the future, there are quite a few. I'm definitely going to pick up THUG 2, along with Okami, NBA 2k7, and a few other games which I have yet to decide on. I also want Guitar Hero, but it's sort of pricy, so I might have to wait a while. If you do have any suggestions on any ps2 games I should get, please let me know. Comments are also appreciated.


I finally have it!

Today, after waiting for what seemed like forever, I bought my hard earned Nintendo DS lite, and with it I also bought Megaman Battle Network 5: Double Team. It's definitely not the best or most innovative game for the DS, but it's fun nonetheless. A while back, I was debating between getting the DS and PSP, but after comparing both game libraries, I was quickly won over by Nintendo's newest handheld. I'm sure that I will spend many quality hours playing my DS, and can't wait to try all the great titles available to this platform.

Ist blog entry

Well, this would be, as indicated in the topic, my first ever blog entry. I've been on the gamespot website quite a bit recently, but I've been doing more profile/video blog browsing lately rather than posting in the PS2 forums as I usually do. I find most people's video blogs to be quite unique and interesting, even though there are the occasional lame ones. I am eagerly awaiting my crossover from level 9 to10, because then I'll be able to upload my very own video blogs! Exciting isn't it? Well it sure is for me. Anyways, I'm open to any suggestions you have as far as video blogs go...and feel free to comment!