Billy_12 / Member

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God. Hero. Hunter. Savior.

   Guess what game I bought today? As you may have guessed by reading the title, I just got my hands on a copy of Okami. I've only played through about 2 hours of the game so far, but I already know I'm in for an awesome adventure. 

   From what I've seen so far, this game is basically perfect from a visual standpoint. There is definitely a unique sense of style to the environments you explore in the game. There isn't much more I can's something that you should experience yourself, rather than have someone describe it for you.:P

   Gameplay is also turning out to be great. The controls are fairly simple, and the learning curve to this game is minimal. I love the paintbrush mechanic. It's really cool to be able to use your character's powers by drawing lines and symbols. For example, you can easily take down some of your enemies using the square button, but it's much cooler and more stylish to use the paintbrush in situations where you're faced with multiple enemies.

   The audio aspect of this game is also very well done. The music really helps to create the appropriate atmosphere for this game. The only thing that might have helped would have been voice acting, though I don't really care too much about the fact that I have to read the dialogue.

   Overall, this is turning out to be a really fun game. After hearing all the praise for this game, and being very interested in the title myself, I knew that I needed to add it to my collection. So if you're looking for a great adventure game on the ps2, or just a general must-have kind of title, you should give this game a shot.

That's basically it, gamespot. Hope you enjoyed reading my initial impressions of the game, and I hope you all have a fun and gaming-filled weekend.:D