Biocide69 / Member

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The Respawn Game.

Well I used to play the hell out these. When COD4 came out and I finally got high speed internet. All I played was team deathmatch, over and over again. Running around dieing, kill someone die, come back, die, so on and so forth to the point that my K/D:R was 0.75. yep I killed about 7 people for every ten lives I used. Yes laugh it you want, I sucked and I can admit it. I still loved COD4. CoD:WaW ha, that one is even worse. I spawn I move I die, of course I'm not playing that game for the completive portion of the game. But still. In R2, or R6V:2 all I would play are the respawn games. Also with SOCOM you could find me in the unranked respawn games, running around like an idiot blasting everything in sight.

Well now thanks to the curiosity of the ranked matches, and to at least have a different insignia next to my name. I am now completely hooked on the one life per round games. I love the ranked games, and for the first time I feel that I can use stealth, and guile in an online game. I feel like I have to out smart the other player, not out gun them.

Some of the sneaky stuff I have experienced and done in my ventures in the SOCOM world. One good one, I was playing with a couple guys who where new. It was two on one, so I don't feel to bad about this. But they where one level above me and they where planning out there attack, with SOCOM's proximity chat, I could hear every word they where saying, and new what there plan was. When they where rapping up there little talk, I yelled into the mic

"I Can Hear You!!!"

They instantly got quite and started off on there path, only to follow the same plan. I stalked them for a minute and took one out and followed up by taking the other out.

Other little things like, tossing a grenade underhand down a flight of stairs and watching the other guy walk right into it.

Or redirecting people to run one way so I can move the other. I was playing a game of Demolition and it was an 8X8 match up, all of my team was killed and all of the other team were taken out except for one. I had the bomb, and was moving towards there bomb site. I noticed the last enemy player guarding the site, for an elevated spot. So I moved close to a wall under him so he wouldn't notice me. And tossed a flash bang along the far side of his position. It got his attention and he ran over looking for me. I ran around behind him and got to the site armed the explosive with out the guy ever finding me. Needless to say he was not a happy about being tricked, and whats worse he was in a place where he couldn't get to the bomb fast enough to defuse it, nor could he get a shot off at me. All he could do was sit and watch as I took home the win for my team.

It's little things like this that really help intensify the online experience for me, and now that I have found the joy of the no respawn game, it's really hard to want to go back to the unlimited spawning games.

Thanks for reading