While I enjoy rap here and there, the things I look for the most when listening to artists are
Singing Voice: I great singing voice can make the difference, but also equally important is how you use your singing voice. We can't all have a voice like Whitney Houston, but there are other great artists out there who make music that fits their voice, for instance Damien Rice.
Originality: I want to hear something fresh. Lately in the rap and RnB game, I've been hearing the same tired ol crap regurgitated by a different singer. For rap it's money, women, and how gangsta they are. For RnB the song usually revolves around a girl...99% of the time. Either he is trying to get a girl back, or he is trying to get a girl to like him, or he is telling a girl to stop treating him wrong..blah blah blah! I want something new. And if you want to talk about a girl, atleast try and have lyrics that don't look like they were made by a random lyrics generator.
Lyrics over Beat: This applies a lot to rap. A lot of rappers *cough* Lil Wayne *cough* are getting by with great beats and terrible rhymes. Most rappers don't actually make their beats, so at the end of the day, we have a terrible "artists" getting paid for someone else's work.
Instruments: Not required, but playing an instrument or 2 can help. I especially like when singers compose their own music. Not all of it, but atleast some of it.
No noise please: I can't stress this enough. Ever play a song in the background while doing something else and then turn it off because it was getting too "loud". Like it was starting to distract you and irk you? I hate that. Great music in my opinion is great to listen to actively and passively. So for me Screamo music is automatically out, including a lot 99% of metal.
Those are just a few of my thoughts.
99% of Metal that you've heard;)
Screamo, 99% of metal... are you actually serious?
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