Ha, today was the release of Spongebob: The Movie! It's very good, though I didn't get to the special features yet-maybe tomarrow. I didn't get to play Final Fantasy X today, though I might a little later. I've got a long trail to the Macolana Temple. (I think I spelled that wrong) I wish I was doing better in my anime gender..I can't really watch any!
I need to watch it in my PS2, but they won't work on it! Except for a full American DVD(Full!)with a fan-dub, but I don't like to watch anime much at night. Well, most of the time no. I mean, I just need to watch some anime. I need it! I NEEEED IT!!! *Gos crazy and starts screaming and running around, running over 3 old people in the process*
Errrm...sorry old people..*Puts a five dollar bill on each old person's body* That should cover it..>_> Whatever, XD. *Runs away from public running over 5 little kids* I REALLY need to stop doing that... You should buy The Spongebob Movie on DVD though. It's even appealing to adults! (Believe me, I know. I've tested it out before on human adults, and maybe a few aliens.)
I need a real hobby. I mean, besides watching TV, eating food, listening to music, playing video games, and all around being a lazy slob who does nothing to the community but polute the air by coughing purposely. XD Yes, I'm public enemy #2 in this world, next to a crazy clown with that evil smile that just gives you the feeling 'I hope you die tonight.'. To me, anyway.
Oh ya, I forgot to tell you. I got the day off from school AGAIN! It's a snowday, so tomarrow will be when everything gos downhill. I have to make up like three tests, maybe four or five. Not to mention I have to make up a bunch of work. I might even have tomarrow off! _-_'' Well, 2 more inches tomarrow. There goes Easter vacation. :cry:
Oh well, I'm gonna go do nothing for the community some more!
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