That's right. The day (or rather month) that lot's of long awaited games are released is just over a month away. November is PS3's first real month for good games. Haze, Unreal Tournament 3, Assassins Creed and Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction are all released within the space of a fortnight if my sources are correct. The new idea of Nectar in Haze is a feature that will either make or break the game and the online play on UT3 is something special to be looking forward to. The painfully awaited Assassins Creed is also due at around the same time. The free-roaming aspect of it is something that really hasn't been done to this scale before. The fact that you are able to scale every building and pick between various different ways of killing your mark is a never before seen aspect of gaming. RnC should prove to be a great addition to the already legendary franchise and the more in-depth back story should add more of an adult feel to the game. I personally can't wait for UT3 as PS3 doesn't have many good online shooters, except maybe the likes of WarHawk and Resistance: Fall Of Man. Haze should also be a good addition to PS3's online franchise if Free Radical can pull off the interesting feature of Nectar, into a none-biased tool to possibly swing the battle in favour of the Mantel side.
All in all November is gonna be a great month for gaming, especially for Sony. I know I will be buying most, if not all of the games mentioned above and I hope that they will be a good choice of games to add to my sparse collection.
See Ya, Tom