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BlackArts_Viper Blog

returning to gamespot

it's been awhile since i logged in. i've been busy with school this year. after cleaning out my inbox, which had somewhere near 50 messages, i've decided to get back into posting habits.

just recently i got an onyx ds lite, with yoshis island ds, and have been playing Dawn of Sorrow almost nonstop. DS FTW!

RPG and Me

Lately i've really been getting into RPGs on my Gamecube. While theres not much diversity in the genre on the system, when you find a good one its pretty damn good. Not only do i have a TOS game going right now where i'm only 20 hours in (that game is loooong), but i've also been playing a copy of Final Fantasy:CC i picked up a few years ago. While the single player is totally boring, hook it up to some gameboys and invite some friends over and chances are you'll have some fun.

StarFox Owned

after many days of perserverance i finally beat the high score of 900 set by a friend of mine on starfox64. 993 baby! read it and weep!


i was surfing around gamespot, much like i always do, when i came to Ocarina of Time, my alltime favorite game. I was glancing at the page, when i noticed its release date, November 24th is my birthday! ain't that grand!

back tracking

with the summer, here i thought it would be a grand old idea to go and try and finish all the games that for some reason or another have remained unbeaten and tossed aside. after going back through my collection though, it appears i might have more trouble then i thought as my list is continually growing. some games i've had since 1997 and are still begging to be finished. yeah, time to get crackin.

Bargin Bins are fun!

my newest game addiction has been a $10 copy of Metal Gear Solid on the GBC. Turns our gazing through the grimy glass covered cases that make up the EB Games used gameboy games section pays off.