Hello one and all its once again time for thoughts and concerns on upcoming titles coming near you! My newest and latest love interest via video game form has to be Dragon Age Two! If your not a rpg fan then well my friend its your loss let me tell you! The orginal game that blessed both 360 and ps3 consoles a year and a couple of months ago was a Jewel among an ocean of fps games. If your not too familar with the story look it up because sadly I don't have the time nor the energy to waste bringing you up to speed but I will address problems the orginal had that I believe developers are trying to fix with the second title of the series.
Those of us who loved the first game should be happy to hear that the second game of the series will have a newfresh vibrant look and feel to it. Thats whatsites and mags inform us gamers that is... The truth of the matter is yet to be seen through. Other then a few tidbits of pictures released from bioware and a new trailer of the main character doing battle with a qunari I haven't seen anything to truely tell me if I'm going to like the new direction bioware is taking the franchise. Also I'm not too sure if I like the idea of the game being based on a single character either... Did they forget all the work they did with the orginal game oh so not too long ago? I personally enjoyed the experence of witnessing the story told from all the characters involved in the quest. So many developers base the story through the eyes of a single character or maybe two main characters with a few minor characters thrown in to suck up the dull moments inbetween quests.
So truely would a rpg gamer want to sacrifice quality storytelling for a little bling bling eye candy? Better graphics is nice but I play these games not for pretty looking pixels on a telvision screen but for the emotional attachment I get witnessing a live or death struggle in a epic story driven game... Truely the game industry has changed greatly since the years of psone and super nintendo and the rpg games of that era...
So in conclusion I shall keep my eye on how this game pans out... Pretty graphics are nice but look at the new FF game just released not too long ago... Personally the story plot in my mind was crap... Just like the last three games square has put out in the ff franchise on the playstation console... Are we doomed to play nice looking games with just second rate plotlines anymore... Comments got any love to hear them later days mates!!!