Heres my list, I seen a friend post his soo I thought hey why not do it myself soo here ya go...
1. Its a tie between Final Fantasy 8 and Final fantasy tactics on psx
2. Loaded on psx...can't get enough of that blasting
3. Parasite Eve on psx...gosh awesome story and even hotter main charactor what can a guy ask for?
4. Vagrant Story on psx...don't know what I like about it but I do
5. Fire emblem path of radiance on gamecube...Gotta love this game if not your pretty weird...
6. Skies of Arcadia on gc...addictive game that I wished they made a sequal for...
7. Battletoads and Double Dragons on sega genesis...loved that quality backside kicking...
8. Super Mario Brothers 3 on nintendo...Hey gotta show love for my very first game...
9. Blaster Master on nintendo...Loved this game could never beat it through...
10. Rockin Roll Racing on Sega genesis...Quality brother time when everything didn't make sense...