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Revisiting Knights Of the Old Republic 1&2

Its hard to believe that its been 9 years since the orginal Star Wars Knights Of The Old Republic was released on Xbox. July 15 of 2003 was the first time I was introduced to a bioware game that shocked me to my core and left me craving for more in away that till this day has not ever really been satified. Sure I've had the pleasure of playing a few other games from bioware before kotor but they were on the pc platform and I gotta say their rpgs at that time yes were impressive in there own right but just didn't really tore my life asunder in away that kotor did to me. Looking back to them days on my xbox playing career Kotor and Kotor 2 were my top favorite games of that gaming platform. My total completions of both games numbered probably ten times back then five completions each. Inwhich is pretty impressive to me since I don't think I've even completed a game twice ever since then.

So its safe to say when I noticed that LucasArts put out a bundle holding both games for the pc I found myself getting that old familar feeling to jump back into the kotor universe and bring some heat to my legandary rivial Lord Malik and his Sith buddies. Both games of course show much of their age in the terms of visual appeal but what really made both games so attractive werent their visual appeal anyways but more leaned towards the storyline in the game and its characters. I always found it surprising on how a game back then could be so linear but drove me to want to hammer out every side quest and find every item over and over again. Even through kotor next in line predecessor that bioware rolled out Mass Effect was a much larger game and had more content and better visuals its easy not to miss how much kotor influenced that franchise. Bioware even attempted to try to put as much distance it could from kotor with gameplay mechanics and turning it more into a shooter hybred rpg but still at its core was kotor staring right back at you.

In the end of it all I find myself wishing that lucasArts will decide to put into development kotor3 and return to the story to learn where Raven went after the end of the first game and his/her journey to the end. Will it ever really happen I don't think so but I will keep wishing upon my stars till the day I pass from this plain of life and continue my play throughs of kotor one and two in the meantime.