Just returned from watching this movie in the theature and well let me be the first to tell you my noble friends that if you haven't gone to see this feature yet don't! Usually I enjoy seeing over the top action mixed with amazing special effects and beautiful women; but this film did absolutely nothing for me. I arrived at the theature with only a small idea what this film was about by watching some movie trailers before hand and I thought I had a slight idea how the film would end. I was correct on most of my assumptions; which were that the four chicks that played in the film would be uber hot to behold on the big screen and yes I am that type of guy that goes and sees a movie mostly based on what woman actor plays in it. Also I already knew that the computer special effects would be on the same level as past movies I seen such as Scott Pilgrim vs the world mixed with some action like the matrix with a lil blade mixed within it. But other then the skimpy outfits they wear throughout the movie I pretty much came to the conclusion after twenty minutes watching this horrible movie that I was going to hate it.
What was the main factor why I hated the movie was a very simple matter. Whats the most basic thing in any story that if you mess it up everything after that mistakes blows every detail to pieces? The plot of course! Sucker Punches plot was soo dull that I am still surprised that the exectives at Legendary studios even let this film be created. (spoiler!!!) Check it out the plot was like this.... The movie starts with the main characters mother dieing, Mothers willl and last testiment states that everything the mother owned was left to her two daughters. Well Her husband was left with nothing upon reading the will gets drunk and decides to go take matters into his own hands. The main character escapes the fathers wraith through and gets locked into a another room unfortuneately which then prompts good ol dad to take his rage upon the younger daughter inwhich he kills her. Well cops come and dad somehow convinces the cops that the older sister did it and well the next scene opens up with her dad taking her to the mental hospital and he pretty much has a conversation with the lead male nurse about having him getting her turned into a human veggi and pretty much paying the guy to get this girl so jacked up that she can't testify againts him ever.
So thats when the main half of the movie starts.... Shes drugged promptly after arrival and she imagins everything there after. The last thing the main character sees before her illusion starts was the doctor lowering a needle towards her eye to pretty much turn her into a emotionless broken shell of a human. So yeah pretty much after ten minutes or so in the movie you already know what the last scene was going to be about. So you ask yourselves is the doctor actually going to brain mash this chick? I picked yes which I shouldn't of because after I made the decision everything else that happened meant nothing to me. The action scenes lasted 15 minutes each and their was 5 of them which took up most of the film. The fight scenes were sorta impressive but were subpar compared to other films that I seen. The drama between the action scenes that were suppose to draw you in was just horrible no idea what they were thinking. I guess in this illusionallyworld she dreamt that she was being held captive in a forty ish dancing girl/prositue ring sorta thing. She knew she had to get out and she could only do this by falling into a trance before she starts to dance for her male captors which when the action scenes took place. Thers alot of S-e-x en u endo during these supposely drama filledscenes which just lead me to not like the movie anymore then what I did.
I won't tell you how it ends but lets just say it wont surprise you and after it does end your just shake your head and just feel like you wasted 2 hours of your life soo yeah just do yourself a favor and avoid this film its not worth shelling out money to see...