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BlackHawkV Blog

Jumped two ranks!

Wow. I come back and all the sudden I'm gaining ranks like a madman. WOHOO!

So the union is... coming along. Sad that it's as empty as it is, and we simply can't find that many fans out there. Yet, I will prevail! I have a few more tricks up my sleeve(s), so we'll try our best to get the place back to the hotspot it use to be.

If all else fails, I'll take the time to re-launch my fansite and try to appeal to a wider audience outside of GameSpot. That could be the problem; following the controversy over Jeff Gurstman's (spelling?) firing, a lot of people deemed GameSpot as worthless and left. This has become apparent, since the forums aren't quite what they use to be.

We'll see.

Thanks to all the union recruits who've helped me out so far. It's much appreciated.


Time to go back to Super Mario RPG...

I'm back...

... with FURY!!!

Because I'm now leader of the Crystal Chronicles Union. And it's about to be awesome.


[/end epic fail blog post]

FFCC still dominates my life.

Suprisingly, FFCC is still all the rage in my world. I haven't played the 'Cube game in awhile, and I'm still putting off my fansite, but right now I'm dedicated to finding out everything that's mentioned about it in the TGS!

Could this be inspired by Penny-Arcade's linking of my thread on their homepage? ... possibly...

Otherwise, my internet life has been centered around Gaia Online lately. I have a group of friends I've hung out with for the past months, and we're all hyped for the supposed release of the battle-system in the near future. The screen name of me is BlackHawkGS, in case you want to add me on your friend's list.

MMO's? None at the moment. Kinda burned out on them. Only video games I've really been into have been on the DS. Go Nintendo.

And the Wii so has this 'console war' in the bag. It's the frickin' Wii! You can't hope to win!

SilkRoad Online, ftw!

I recently started playing the MMORPG SilkRoad Online. Why? I need a good free MMORPG to keep me busy this summer. And wow, this is a good one. In fact, I'd reccomend it for all of you searching for free to play MMORPG's.

It's based in Ancient China, which already provides an interesting background. Pretty good graphics, decent music, nice gameplay, and pretty addiciting. Battle animations rock, especially with a Berserker gauge that builds up as you fight and turns your character briefly into a demon-like warrior when you activate it (AND IT LOOKS AWESOME!)

I play on the Greece server and my character is BlackHawkGS (go figure). Come find me if you ever decide to join!

Starting a blog.

Thought I'd post something here to start a blog, though I'm not totally into the idea...

In fact, I think I'm gonna go play DDR: Mario Mix for awhile. Later!